
If you're not angry and ashamed ... you are part of the problem

  I wrote this blog post in 2015 BUT this current shower of Tories take conscious callousness to a whole new level with an opposition that is too weak to take them on! On the day (Friday) they issue a mandatory online learning option to schools, the Department of Education send an email reducing each schools free laptop allocations. One of our local schools needed 160+, they were allocated 63 initially then told Friday night - the start of half term - this would be reduced to just 13!! How on earth can teachers allocate these fairly? This is putting more pressure on teaching staff who are doing an amazing job. They are being forced to work even in Tier 3 restrictions! The Govt has given £112million to a company (two contracts) Computacenter whose founder's wife gave £100,000 to the Conservative Party. WE SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED!! The level of corruption during this pan

Vestibular Migraine - not "just a headache"

Unless you suffer from an illness you never really appreciate how debilitating it is, and I include doctors in this. I remember discussing with my GP the symptoms I was suffering from and her telling me “you don’t feel that way with Meniere’s”, only to find when I discussed these issues with fellow sufferers, many of them suffered the same symptoms and their consultants had confirmed these were part and parcel of the illness.   Meniere’s Disease and Vestibular Migraine are misunderstood and can devastate peoples’ lives to differing degrees. It is very difficult to explain to people what they are and when you do, people zone out or comment “I get dizzy sometimes” or “it’s just a headache. Go to bed and take some pills.” It's right up there with "well, you don't look ill!!!"   I thought I would give you an insight of one of my Vestibular Migraine attacks. Stress, salt and rapid changes in air pressure are my biggest triggers although others can include sensory overload,

Be the change ...

As you probably know by now, I am exploring a new pedagogy for computing in secondary schools, looking at the possibility of an online system encapsulating online exams, testing and teaching performance in one system. It is a passion of mine as I believe EVERY child deserves the opportunity to learn computing skills. At present, under the new computing curriculum if a student does not select computer science for their GCSE, after the age of 14, in some schools, they receive NO computing or digital skills training at all. This will result in a huge skills gap and skills deficit in the future.  If you can indulge me a little, I would like to explain my background and how this became a passion and my mission in life. I was born in East Leeds, a deprived area of the city. My father was a bus driver, my mother a full time stay at home Mum. I was a mistake and for my whole life, my mother and sister made sure I knew I was and did everything they could to prevent me from having and pursuing

I am not useless… I am ill … doesn’t everyone deserve the chance to thrive not merely survive?

I am not useless… I am ill and alone fighting in a world that is not made for people like me. I am putting this out here today, not because I want sympathy or solutions but because I want people to know that unless you are part of the Tory elite, having public (OUR) money thrown at you, the struggle to improve your life is being made virtually impossible by this rancid, elitist Government. I worked in the insurance industry for twenty years from leaving school. I worked damned hard, very long hours and earned my promotions. I was on an excellent salary (less than the men but still…), I worked by way up to management level – had a company car, private health insurance, great pension and prospects. Then, I fell ill. Suddenly overnight I had dizziness, ear pain and none of my thoughts were clear, some days I could not even finish a sentence. Now I know this is brain fog! Countless trips to the GP and all I ever got was “oh it’s Labyrinthitis and here is a sick note. Come

My PhD motivation...

Hello all, Meniere's Disease I have not blogged in a while. Been busy trying to resolve additional health issues  which has now been diagnosed as acute Migraine in addition to the Meniere's disease. I have finally got to grips with new medication and ready to fight again. It is frustrating to be stopped in your tracks by such an unpredictable monster but you have to roll with it.  PhD Study I am really excited to start my PhD in Computer Science. It has been a labour of love for so long. I graduated from my MSc in Information and Technology last year. This has been a long term goal of mine.  I have always had a keen interest in politics, social justice and equality. I believe education is a basic human right and should be provided by the state, free at the point of use, for individual and societal development and growth, not just economic growth. It certainly should not be subject or held hostage by GDP growth. Sadly, the pursuit of a ne


I would employ anyone who has the strength to survive the daily challenges of a disability or illness! A confession: I'm a bit of a bugger for hiding how I feel and hiding the Meniere's disease. I do really try not to hide it, but it is hard to break a habit of a lifetime. I think it comes from living with years of ridicule and being around people who jump on your every weakness, failure and mistakes using them as sticks to beat you with. It's given me second thoughts about sharing the illness and its effects. However, it adds more stress by trying to hide it. Plus, why should I? It is part of me, not by choice but it is here, ever present and becoming more of a menace every single day. As well as personal insecurities, the hostile environment towards people with disabilities and invisible illnesses, created by this inhumane Tory Government, makes it almost a taboo subject again. We have travelled back to the dark ages where anyone who is not "normal"

Computing in schools… a national crisis in waiting.

I’m just a working-class lass from East Leeds. I’ve had the same tough life as most of the people in my area. It is always easier to conform to what society expects – steady job, marriage, children, mortgage… I am such a disappointment to many – lost my job through illness (because it’s my fault, right?), divorced, single mother and how dare I leave my class behind to become an author and PhD student… yes this was said to me! I’ve been called a traitor to my class. It’s all so laughable when people realise why I am so passionate about this research and especially when they understand the heart of everything I do is my belief in socialism and equality, using my skills and philosophies to bring hope and opportunities for our future generations. It is not just politicians who make a difference. I don’t want a life in front line politics. I’m far too sensitive, far too caring and can not abide having to lower my principles to appease a political party. I know my future life is in