
Showing posts from August, 2014

What a week!

It’s been very much a week of reflection and coming to terms with issues I’d swept under the carpet for far too long. Now onwards and upwards.   I have spent some time this week readjusting my goals and aspirations, all achievable of course. It’s true was doesn’t kill you makes you stronger or insane – can’t quite decide which, but I suppose there is nothing wrong with being an eccentric writer, that’s what I keep telling myself anyway. I really embrace being different and pushing the boundaries of the ‘norm’ even if it is not intentional at times. Oh Boy! The most stressful part of this week was not the hectic birthday party but organising uniform and new footwear which in this house includes school shoes, trainers AND football boots. I hate shopping – HATE IT!! How on earth can shoes bought less than two weeks ago suddenly be too big for Lucas?   I mean battleship BIG! A Friday night trip to the shops for replacements was not what I had planned but it did...

That damned ugly black cloud

The great thing about doing a blog is you soon realise you’re not alone in how you feel, you’re treated and your views on   life. I really thought no one would read my blog but the feedback has been phenomenal. Sorry it’s a bit late this week but we had a little matter of an eight year old's birthday to celebrate and what a celebration it turned out to be. This blog has taken me a while to write. Robin Williams’ untimely death was a great shock to the world. For me, it was a reminder of how lonely this world can be and that the ugly black cloud can cover even the most brightest of people and lives. I’ve been there! On the brink of taking my own life! That admission will upset some people (or not!) but I have! More than once! What saved me? My children. So, why tell the world now? Why not? I have been too ashamed to admit it before now especially when I look at the reasons which all relate to nasty, ignorant, vicious and vindictive people I have had the misfortu...