Lessons learned in 2014

Why would I want a house owned by the mortgage company, cars leased and never owned and a miserable, boring life where my only income is as a result of someone else's hard work? That's why some people are so bitter and twisted because they are stuck! They are unfulfilled. I speak from bitter experience. Just to clarify this was the life I left behind when I lost my job AFTER being diagnosed with Menieres and had to rely on support from others. I hated being dependent on other people. It has taken a lot of soul searching to find my new way in life and accept that what I lost was lost for a reason. That's the main lesson I have learned in 2014. I don't need material things or the wrong people in my life. I'm now making my own choices and my own life again AND teaching my children the real values of life. I may not have LOTS of material things and designer clothes but I have REAL values, fabulous children and peace of mind. Money can't buy them. These are m...