Thank you Mr King... I can call myself an author...I think!

Last week was not a particularly great week for me. Lucas is having a really hard time with a mystery illness at the moment. It's such a worrying time but he is under the care of our wonderful NHS and we will in time get to the bottom it. When he is off, I do try to continue to write but always around his needs. By the end of the week though I get really frustrated and upset with myself because I haven't done as much I wanted to do. I really have to stop beating myself up and remember I am only ONE human being. Last Friday saw the first anniversary of the release of Beyond the Past. I can not believe where the year has gone and more so what I have done in that twelve months. In 2014 I faced my ghosts and in 2015 I intend to be a Ghostbuster (Yes cue the 1980s movie theme music. "I ain't afraid of no ghosts!"). I couldn't find the photograph of Wes and I with the Ghostbuster car in Florida, taken pre-Menieres. All my past insecurities, worries and peop...