Honesty, Sport, Kids and Writing… oh & the 'P' word because it’s not allowed apparently…

First of all, I’m so sorry for the miss in posts recently. I’ve been rather busy writing a screenplay. The first draft took me four weeks and two days – two days OVER my target!! That’s what being a Menieres Mum does for you. Honesty I find it really shocking how people would rather land someone in deep dodo than actually own up to their own mistakes or failings. It saddens me when someone, who is hardworking and honest has their name and their character dragged into question because the perpetrator can’t get their own act together. A narcissist always show their true colours and that is when it is time to walk away …smile and wave boys, SMILE and wave! Honesty starts with yourself. Too many people are too afraid or too arrogant to hold their hands up and say “sorry I was wrong”. It’s not that hard is it? I have never found it hard, nor have my children. The problem with a lie is that sooner or later it is discovered by the very people you are trying to impress a...