
Showing posts from November, 2015

Brave...why not

Start the week as you mean to go on... push the boundaries and be brave. Have a fabulous week. A new post will follow shortly.

Normal is SO overrated and boring...

Einstein once said (I think) ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’ Probably never a true word spoken in light of recent events. I don’t understand how our elected MPs and leaders do NOT grasp the fact that bombing the Middle East is INSANE especially when the perpetrators of the true horrific events in recent years have held US, British, French, Belgium passports. In the name of ‘freedom’ we justify making innocent men, women and children suffer because they just happen to be in the country where this despicable group of lowlifes have their base. ANY killing is WRONG!!   There is no justice for the displaced Syrians, the thousands of children who will have to face the horrors of what they have witnessed. I dread to think what sort of world will be left for our children, I really do. It’s been a blooming busy week. Poor Lucas picked up another throat infection so received some much needed TLC. In betw...

Missing rugby league?

Available from: Pegasus Publishers Amazon UK Kindle Amazon US Or you can order from your local bookshop. The ISBN number is : 978-1-84386-789-0

Let’s face it, I’m a bit of a nightmare…

       It’s been hard writing the blog this week after watching the horrors unfold on Friday night in Paris. My heart-felt condolences to all those lives affected by atrocities all over the world. I’m a living nightmare to the media, the establishment, brand marketers and to most people who don’t understand I do not want to fall into ‘conforming’ or living a stereo typical life. Whether people like me or not, is irrelevant. I don’t force my ideas onto people. Just like everyone else, I have an opinion. My opinion is based upon my life experiences, my education and what is in my heart. I don’t expect everyone, or anyone if I’m honest, to agree with me but I do expect you to RESPECT ME. Disagree and debate but do it respectfully – democracy! We say we live in a democratic society but do we? Really? We have all witnessed the media destroy innocent people and their lives through publishing LIES! Yes, lies. Not misplaced stories, slants or opinion...