Embracing Change

Einstein once said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In 2015, UK Labour performed poorly (understated for diplomatic reasons) in the UK General Election. Yet, ex-leaders and some MPs will not accept the party needs a seismic shift in order to be remotely electable again. Speaking with ex-Labour voters, their main gripe was "they're all the same now. They're only interested in the money they can make for themselves and claiming expenses." Not once did I hear, "they're too left wing." Most people, I believe, are not interested in right or left wing. It is terminology used by the media and Westminster elite to bully and scare us. In reality, people want policies that make their lives easier and give them a stable, secure job and viable, accessible services for their family. Love him or loathe him, Jeremy Corbyn offers all this and so much more. Not only has he proven he is honest, p...