Nineteen years a Mum… and two friends for life

Nineteen years ago today at 4.15am I became a Mum for the first time. I am amazed how well Wes turned out, I am even more amazed we survived! Thankfully, I followed my own beliefs on how to be a good mother with the help of some momentous Mum’s along the way, showing me that fighting for your children should always be of paramount importance in your life. I have Annie Williams to thank for that. Wes has turned into a fine young gentleman with his own mind and a fantastic role model for his brother, who idolises him. It has not been easy raising boys on my own. Like all parents, you wonder whether you have made the right decisions, given them the tools to survive in such a mean world. They have been brought up on socialist principles and that can be a very lonely world in this day and age. Still, Wes has formed his own opinions, his own thinking and is not afraid to stick his head above the parapet and shout against injustice and lies. THAT’S MY BOY! The young boy...