Education is NOT Educating…

On the 15 th June 2014 I wrote a blog named Swimming against the tide. This is an extract from it: “I decided I wanted my children to understand the importance of struggle, of community, of what is right and wrong and most of all about respect. Most days I am swimming against the tide but nevertheless I still swim. I still swim because I would like my boys to be strong individual men that respect themselves and have respect for all others. I hope their greatest attributes will be respect, honesty, integrity, justice, decent morals and tolerance. Just imagine what sort of a world we would have then. If you don’t invest the time in children, how on earth can you expect them to turn into decent human beings? I can’t be doing too bad a job when my son is giving my advice out and asking if I would help his friends if they need it!! ” (full blog here ). For too many years I have received criticism for the way I have raised the boys, but I knew my plan and I was sti...