WOW! I'm an Author!

So I am getting ready to make Christmas Day a very special one for my loved ones, when a letter drops through the letter box from my publishers. Opening it, I have this fear that they are going to tell me my book isn’t good enough after all and it won’t be published! NO! Reading it, the fear turns to overwhelming joy when it is, in fact my provisional publication date of the 23 rd January 2014, just over a month away. Even writing this I have goose bumps and finally, I can actually believe that I am a writer, an Author. I have beaten all the adversity in my life, illness and most of all the lack of self belief that has plagued me for so much of my life. Finally, all the hard work has paid off and what makes it even more special is that my two precious boys are so excited and have told me how proud they are of me, which may seem trivial to some people but to me it means EVERYTHING. Today is an incredibly special day for me and my family. All the adversity we have been thro...