I’m on it…
Apologies for the blogs being hit and miss recently but I am
in full writing mode and so close, I mean agonisingly close to finishing the
first draft of Beyond the Lies. I put myself under so much pressure when I
really don’t need to. I have no publishing deadline for this second novel
although there are quite a few people eagerly awaiting the next instalment, if
only life didn’t get in the way! It has taken me twice as long to write this
book with valid reasons. I have had to combine writing this with the marketing
of Beyond the Past which was my very first, full length novel. When I wrote
Beyond the Past the only plan I had was the main character would be Annie and
the book would feature rugby league. In fact, it didn’t even start out as a
crime, it started as a romance but quickly turned into a crime thriller.
This new book is purposely different. I have planned this
one. Although the plan detail has grown organically during writing, the planned
timeline has remained consistent throughout. This is a conspiracy crime so
continuity is vital. The timeline incorporates all the characters, all the
timelines had to match and be realistic. In addition, I don’t know about you
but I expect a sequel to be better than the first. Serves me right really!!
Now, I have to put into practise what I have complained about for years! I am
confident, however this sequel is a knockout.
Like with any new profession, you only get better the more
you do it (Probably what Annie and Mark think too!!!). I already feel my
writing is improving and my confidence is growing (at long last!). Nobody is
perfect at anything and we can all strive to be better.
One thing that did spring to mind this week – in all the
years of reading, I can honestly say I never thought about how the authors struggled
in their writing careers until now. At the moment I am literally working for
nothing so I am hoping my hard work pays off before I am too old to enjoy it. I
also read books in a different light wondering what the author’s motivation was
to write a specific novel – hazards of the job I suppose! I have also read lots
of authors’ blogs this week and don’t feel as isolated or as much of a lunatic
anymore (ha ha) especially when I read this - it really made me smile.
Wetherby Library
Author Talk
On Tuesday I had the pleasure of talking to a lovely
audience of book enthusiasts at Wetherby Library. Wetherby is the local town that
features the police station DCI Fisher and DS Davies are based at. My only
previous talk as an author was at Wetherby High School when I discussed
inspiration and motivation. The presentation slides for that talk are available
on my website.
Anyway, I spent most of Tuesday feeling really nervous and
worried it would be a flop or no one would turn up. Of course, neither happened
and it was a delightful evening which actually went too quickly! I hope
everyone that attended enjoyed the evening as much as I did and thank you to
all the staff at the library.
Now I have my first author talk under my belt, there is no
stopping me! If you would like to book an author talk, please contact me via my
Congratulations to Tracey (from Arizona, USA) and Wendy
(Ontario, Canada) who both won copies of Beyond the Past. The books are on the
way to you. I look forward to receiving your constructive feedback
shortly. Come over to goodreads and join
Before I go, I just want to tell you this. At the 6th
form this week, Wes was set a task, along with his peers to find out how
stressed out they were. A number of questions were given rankings from 0 to 10
and then the totals were added up at the end. If you scored less than 50 you
was under stressed and over 50, over stressed. Because Wes scored under 50, his
tutor told him he runs the risk of not being motivated and being a lazy adult,
this is to a child who trains three times a week, does all his homework,
exceeded expectations on his exam results, is flying through his A level work
and plays football when he can. Apparently, he reached this score because I don’t
put any pressure on him at home. Why should I pressure him? As far as I am
concerned, parents should NEVER EVER need or want to put pressure on their
children. Encourage them and support them but never push them to the brink of
being over stressed! What a ridiculous notion. Let’s face it I can’t be doing
too bad a job with the success both boys are having. I can’t get my head round
why stress, or lack of it, is a measurement of motivation and success. The
simple fact is I have taught both my boys to manage stress through being able
to talk to me and I also know when the boys are stressed and deal with it with
them. Pressure my boys, my eye! (I don’t like to swear on here otherwise I
What concerns me more than the exercise being carried out in
the first place, is the fact that once they identified the stress levels, no
counselling or support was offered to the students that were over stressed. Yes
they were given childline’s number but really?!? Now that is worrying.
Next week I will definitely finish the first draft of Beyond
the Lies. Once this is done, I then start the task of a full plot and evidence
review. Then the joys of editing. In the middle of this I will be back on
social media pestering you all. Have a fabulous week everyone.
The first three chapters of Beyond the Past are posted on my website to give
you a taster

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