I'm a very lucky lady - broke, dizzy but lucky!!

I had an amazing evening on Thursday at Sant Angelo's in Wetherby. Regular readers will know this is a fabulous Italian restaurant in Wetherby. It was Barry White and soul legends tribute night - music that is right up my street! Lilvinny Robinson has an amazing voice and his fabulous choice of songs brought the lively crowd to their feet. One of my all time favourite songs (and I mean one. I have hundreds of them and will write a blog about some of them soon) is Otis Redding, Sitting on the Dock of the Bay. I don't know why but whenever I hear it, it makes me smile regardless of the mood I am in. Its a singalong song (that comes with an apology of whoever has heard me warbling!) until I get to the whistling section which I can't do - I blame the gaps in my teeth! I was over the moon when Vinnie included this song and his version was incredible. It made my night.

As always, the food, the people and the atmosphere were truly exceptional. I would also like to say a special well done to the new waiters who looked the part and never stopped smiling. It's a tough job pleasing everyone but they lived up to expectations. They made us feel very welcome. Watch out Luigi!! You know you're getting old though when the waiters look so young.

It was a much needed couple of hours break. I drove and didn't drink yet I woke Friday morning with the world's worst hangover - Menieres reminding me it was still there, unfortunately. So I had an enforced rest day on Friday which is particularly frustrating for me. I knew I could catch up over the weekend when Lucas was away at his Dad's house, or so I thought!

You see, this is where single parenting meets career progression with a big, massive, even huge, BANG!  Lucas burnt his hand Saturday evening in an unavoidable accident (pulls a disapproving face!). He came home to Mummy for some much needed first aid and Mummy love. Poor baby, he was in so much pain and I finally settled him at 4am Sunday! Bang went another day. Whilst it's frustrating, the most important job I have is as a Mum. That's my priority. Yes I want to write hundreds of books, build my administration business up, write blogs and throw myself into work but I can't always go full steam ahead. Instead of beating myself up, like I used to, I shrug my shoulders and say, "That's life!" I know in years to come I will have the best of both worlds - two very well adjusted young men who are compassionate, hardworking and honest AND my new career. In the meantime I cherish and nurture both. If people don't like, understand or appreciate that, TOUGH! Being a parent is a privilege not a right!

UK Blog Awards

My blog has been nominated in two categories. You can vote via the links below from Monday the 10th November 2014. I would really appreciate it if you could take the time to vote and ask friends, family and colleagues if they could vote too.

Arts & Culture Vote Now

Lifestyle Vote Now

Beyond the Past

I have no real idea of how well my book is doing but I do know that everyone who has read the whole book has loved it and what's more, they are nagging me for the sequel. All I can say is please be patient. The second novel is fast paced and international. I'm nearly there.

I love being able to travel from Leeds, Lulea, Stockholm, Marbella and London - I hope you will love it

You can read the first three chapter of Beyond the Past FREE on my website

Guest Blog

I am currently working on a guest blog and will post the details here once I have finished it.

Thank You

I am a very lucky lady! Broke, dizzy but lucky. I want to thank everyone who got in touch this week to provide me with such positive feedback about the blog. It blows my mind that I received over 1,000 views last week.

The fact that people are taking time to read it is fabulous - that you like it is a massive bonus xx

The highlights of this week have been helping Lucas with his Guy Fawkes work and the exceptionally lively debate Wes and I had on the way home from Sheffield on Friday night.The topic ? Democracy, Capitalism and communism!! Loved it!

Rugby League Update

We are really looking forward to 2015 and the new rugby league structure. It's complicated but I believe it will help the game grow and now it's beginning to feel real for us too. Wes has a team meeting next Thursday then pre-season training starts. All of us are excited at the prospect of the new exciting chapter in Wesley's life.

Lest We Forget


It's all too easy to get bogged down in our own little lives but let us not forget the selfless people who make the ultimate sacrifice to protect the lives we lead. Please spare a thought for all those who lost their lives and those whose lives have been changed forever because they chose to serve their country, regardless of which country, religion or war.

It would be great if we could all live in a world of peace, no war and without judgement of others. I live in hope!


It's okay to be different -

Be awesome

The first three chapters of Beyond the Past are posted on my website to give you a taster 



Lots of love 


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