Meet my two new BFFs … and they aren’t fake!

Well I had my first Tinnitus therapy session this morning and I am so glad I did it. For the last eight years I have seen Menieres and Tinnitus as very much an enemy within – painful, irritating intruders! Gremlins trying to constantly trip me up and stop me from living my life. I have fought them every single day. I have had little sleep but yet refused to let them beat me.
However, I was fooled! It seems these Gremlins tricked me into believing that fighting them was the best course of action when in fact, fighting them, stressing about them and working around them not with them, has only fed them and helped them to thrive.
I accepted a long time ago that my ears were ‘wired’
differently. However, according to the therapist I have been doing the exact
opposite of what I should have been. Nothing new there!! There is little
consolation in knowing my actions have been perfectly normal human reactions. I
am miffed that instead of fighting these I should have been befriending them.
Instead of trying to ignore them like petulant children or twittertrolls, I
should have been accepting them as my… well… best friends. You see stress,
anxiety and above all increased brain activity causes them to feed – for the
symptoms to grow!! Like water and food after midnight for Gremlins!!
So from today I am trying a new strategy:
- More relaxation
- Less stress
- Time for myself
- Soothing sounds during relaxation and especially at night.
- I’m going to retrain my brain (I’m sure there is one in there!)
As the therapist suggested, ‘this is easier said than done’
but I will try. I have tried the strategic battle cries and working through the
pain – the very British ‘you won’t beat me’ attitude. Now it is time to make
peace and become allies. Diplomacy is my middle name. From now on Menieres and
Tinnitus are my BFFs, quite literally FOREVER. Let’s see how you two like that!
Rugby League
What can I say we had a weekend off and it rained so much I
couldn’t sort the garden out!! All I can say is the rain dance worked. Sometimes
I feel all rugbyed out until we don’t have a game, then I miss it! Can’t win
This is my new screenplay. If I could I would sit 24/7 and
write this. I love everything about it. I have this deep, warm feeling inside
about this one. I’ll keep you posted. Let's just say charity does not always begin at home!
lives, four deadly pasts, one common path
Beyond the Past
My debut novel is still available:
Have you had the chance to read it yet? Would you like to review it for me?
Read the first three chapters FREE on my website
Available from:
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Or you can order from your local bookshop. The ISBN number is : 978-1-84386-789-0
The blog is like me this week… SHORT !! I face the biggest
challenge of trying to train myself to relax. How do you relax? (only clean
answers please!). My brain hasn’t switched off… like… EVER!
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