The invisible intruder…more like an alien invasion!

Meniere's Disease That is what best describes my latest Meniere’s attack. I thought I had seen the worst this disease could throw at me, I really did. The daily manageable pain, the occasional dizzy spells and ground moving, the days of brain fog and loss of memory. How wrong I was. The last few days have demonstrated the ferocity and unpredictability of this illness. I am going to try and put the attack into words…please bear with me as I am still in the midst of some of the symptoms. From the beginning of last week, I felt decidedly dodgy – heavy arms and legs, sickness, occasional room spin, brain fog and absolute knock out exhaustion. As the week progressed the symptoms became worse and by Thursday I was lucky to be able to string a full sentence together. By Thursday evening I had pain in both ears, pain I can only describe as red hot daggers being stuck in them. The pain killers took the edge off the pain but did not eradicate it. I lost my hearing, particularly ...