The Highs of Lows of 2015

Honestly the biggest lesson of 2015 - you could save hundreds of people from a burning building and some people would still paint you as the villain. That’s life. Let them get on with it. If people are stupid enough to believe it, then that is their problem. I would rather do what is right than back off and let someone else do what should be done. 

Exposing peoples’ lies is one of the hardest and bravest things to do as is standing alone and standing up for your principles. I could have a much easier life by turning a blind eye and letting people walk all over me and my children. However, what sort of life would that be? Even worse, what sort of example does that set for my children? I may have to work on the delivery of my exposure (no-one’s perfect!), nonetheless 2016 will be the year of building on this year’s foundation of eradicating all the issues that have caused previous problems and held us back from fulfilling our dreams and having a peaceful life. I am proud of myself for sticking to my beliefs, not so proud of leaving it so long. 

I have received continuous criticism of my parenting skills yet I have two very grounded, well-educated and clever boys. What’s more important than any academic results, is their understanding of life and how society works. They have a good grounding in social justice, truth, honesty and a phenomenal work ethic. They are developing as leaders not followers. SO to all my critics – my boys aren’t perfect but they are perfectly aware of how to work effectively within society without being single minded bigots.

Beyond the Past

Have you had the chance to read it yet? Would you like to review it for me?

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My Top 5 successes of 2015

  • Seeing Wes develop in his rugby league career. No obstacle has been too high.
  • Seeing Lucas overcome health problems to excelling at school and turning into a boy who is confident to debate politics with adults!!
  • My re-connection with the Labour Party. I have always been a socialist and had socialist values but I lost connection with the Labour Party. They became too right centre for me. To accept austerity was the breaking point and Ed Miliband posing with The Sun! Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell are two of the most intelligent and arbitrary men I have come across in politics. The fact they don’t compromise their core beliefs is a breath of fresh air for me. I am proud of standing my ground, often standing alone, for many years and super proud we now have a leader who will serve the people of this country for THEM not for personal gain.
  • I have developed so many new skills this year – planning my PhD study, book promotional work, marketing, book-keeping, script writing, editing, proofreading, the list is endless. For so many years, my brain was stagnant doing the same job day in day out. I can honestly say THANK YOU MENIERES.  I may have days when my brain won’t work but on the days that is does – WOW! WOW! WOW!
  • Learning the art of script writing. Another new skill I would not have developed had it not been for a forced change in direction. The feedback I received from an industry specialist for my FIRST work has spurred me on to follow my quest for success.

I am so thankful

2015 has very much felt like a development year and may not have reaped any financial rewards yet, I am richer than I think… money is NOT everything.

I want to thank Wes and Lucas for their unwavering support through this year. They know how tough it has been yet they have never stopped loving and supporting me. We are an invincible team. I am so, so proud of all three of us, sticking together and working through the good and bad times. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of their successes at school and in sport. We have built a very secure family unit. 2016 will be amazing, I know it will. 
Thank you to all the doubters, critics and cowards hiding behind their keyboards. Without the lows you created, I would not be sitting here reflecting on how lucky I am to have such amazing people in my life. Most of all, thank you to all my unknown supporters this year - you've bought my book, followed my social media and blog. I appreciate all your support.

I am a very proud Mum, writer, socialist and caring human being.

So, this is my last post before Christmas. I want to wish everyone from across the globe a very safe and happy holiday season. All the children and families suffering this year are in my heart and I wish everyone the very best for 2016… make it YOUR year.


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