Goodbye January 2016…

Well, our January has been super productive and in many ways a positive start to 2016. Lucas has been amazing, working so hard at school and really putting the effort in with his football and cricket training. Wes has been super stressed, mainly caused by adults stressing him out over his A Levels. I hate that – I get that they want them to do well BUT please, putting them under stress for your data is no way to get them to do well. It’s important they are focused yet relaxed. The brain does not work well when it is stressed – trust me, I know! Rugby pre-season training has been tough but he thrives in tough situations and that makes me super proud. Keep it up boys x The month has been marred by two things for me: Sadly, the number of people who we have lost that had such an influential part in my life – from David Bowie and his breaking down of boundaries; Alan Rickman for his undeniable talent and many others including today, Terry Wogan. It does make you sit up a...