When you’re drowning…swim harder and faster

In October, I had a complete meltdown. I was struggling with Meniere’s, my confidence was at an all-time low and I was struggling to keep my head above water. I was DROWNING. I couldn’t get myself out of the downward spiral. I was annoyed I felt that way which only made it much worse. However, what made it even worse was the incessant abuse and criticisms, based on lies and assumptions, made by people who claimed they knew me that then passed onto people who didn’t know me. Suddenly, complete strangers became critics of my life. All from lies and assumptions made from people who had never taken the time to really get to know me. It was totally ridiculous and should have been meaningless – it is now, but when you’re at rock bottom it is really hard to ignore. It really knocked my self-esteem to the point that I didn’t want to leave the house. 

Until, I exploded!! Oh, I definitely topped the Richter scale!! That day I realised keeping a dignified silence bred some of the assumptions and lies. That day, I decided to fight back – TO SWIM! Oh boy I am so glad I did.

I took professional advice, they helped me to regain some perspective. I realised certain people will ALWAYS gossip, certain people will ALWAYS criticize you, certain people will ALWAYS hate what you do because it’s you doing it., Really, though, do they matter? I was letting these people influence my life by letting their spiteful, malicious behaviour control me and stopping my recovery and me living my life my way. I don’t EVEN know some of them!! They won’t be celebrating my successes with me. My professional help made me realise people hiding behind aliases on social media, with less than fifty followers, were nothing but trolls and meaningless in the grand scheme of my life and what I am trying to achieve for my family. Sometimes you need to take a step back and gain perspective. That is what I did and I am so thankful for the help I received. My focus is on my boys, my work and building a better future for my gorgeous little family.

I’ve made it crystal clear where I stand with the people that matter, they know who they are. The rest of the ‘no marks’ can continue with their silly games. I DON’T CARE. I have never felt inner peace like I have now. I have clarity too.  Since the turn of the year, yes in just twenty-four days, I have achieved so much. All the things that felt overwhelming have been dealt with and the Meniere’s is under control at present – hope I haven’t just jinxed it!!  I have cleared the back log of jobs and moved new projects forward – in 24 DAYS! 

So thank you to those who sniped, bitched and trolled me. You managed to knock me down and almost drown me. BUT – I SWAM! SWAM! SWAM! Our life is so much stronger and happier. We are more determined, more focused and more content than we have ever been.

Beyond the Past

Have you had the chance to read it yet? Would you like to review it for me?

Read the first three chapters FREE on my website
Available from:
Pegasus Publishers
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Or you can order from your local bookshop. The ISBN number is : 978-1-84386-789-0

Beyond the Lies

The edit is so going so well. I am thrilled with the results so far and not far from moving to the next, dreaded edit of GRAMMAR and STRUCTURE! Oh, the joys! Nah I love it really.


I have entered this into the RedPlanet TV screenwriting competition. You have to be in it to win it. Fingers crossed.

UK Blog Awards

This week has been such a productive week. On Monday, the voting for this year’s UK Blog Awards opened. I am thrilled to be short listed in two categories for the second year running, up against some tough opposition.

Lifestyle  & Arts and Culture Categories

Vote for me now in the UK Blog Awards #UKBA16 
Voting is open until 9pm 25th January 2016. You can both on both categories once a day every day until the closing date.If you can spare a couple of minutes and vote.

Your support, as always is very much appreciated.


Well, I did it. I finally finished the proposal and submitted it. It was a confidence boost to get a response from one of the UK’s leading experts in this field saying the proposal was ‘concise and detailed…a strong application’.

2016 I will return to study. This is a very personal goal of mine and I desperately want to achieve a PhD…for me.

My life is not perfect BUT it is pretty close, especially now it is calm and peaceful. The three of us are so busy building our dreams, it is nice to spend our spare time as quality family time. We love being at home, playing board games and enjoying each other’s company.

Do me a favour, will you? Life is too short to let other narrow minded people to bring you down. Rant, rave by all means but still follow your dreams. Success is a wonderful way to simply say… “I told you so!”

Have a fabulous week and go get ‘em…your dreams I mean 


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