Stronger, wiser, happier…
2016 has been strange, appalling, a political
nightmare yet exciting, enthralling and a foundation year for my gorgeous
I've had a decade or so of coming to terms with
Meniere's, handling the day to day symptoms while being undermined by people
who I thought loved me as I loved them. All this on top of trying to keep going
and forge a new career. I've very much felt like I have been swimming against
the tide and getting caught in the rips. It's been a continual fight of who
people want me to be and who I am.
In 2016, I won the battle. Whilst we lost people dear to us, Wes and I agree, 2016 has not
been a bad year for us.
Lessons of 2016
1. You
can't put a band aid on an open wound and expect it to heal. You must deal with
the problem head on. Operation Freedom!
3. Do
not accept what is not right.
Jeremy Corbyn has the anti-racist, sensible answers to steer us through Brexit and the crises made by the Tories in Education, NHS, Social Care, Social Security, Foreign policy... in fact every blooming Department but especially the economy.
You won't see this video on TV. It's worth watching - click here
DON'T LISTEN TO THE MEDIA...listen to him and his policies. GIVE HIM A CHANCE. 2017 will bring new challenges and fights. WHO IS WITH ME? Let's eradicate hate, war and inequality…together.

5. I've
realised, me trusting people, is not the reason why people treat me badly and I
will continue to, although cautiously, trust people.
6. I
treasure my family time with the boys so much. We have grown so much closer
this year.
I want to fix the world – my way! I can't
believe how far I have come this year and I am, genuinely, for the first time,
excited to see what's in store for my precious family in 2017.
#RIPDebbieReynolds - #RIPCarrieFisher
I am truly devastated to be writing this. I
want to pay tribute to Debbie Reynolds who was very much an icon to me. I
admired her so much and from my early teens (maybe younger) was mesmerized by
her in Singin' in the Rain. Both her and Carrie were so much more than
brilliant actors, they were thoroughly decent human beings, power houses and
truly kind spirited women. The world is a lesser place without these two
incredibly decent, strong women.
Advice for 2017
Love it, live it and if you hit a brick wall or
fall flat on your face – GET BACK UP and love it and live it again.
2016 will always be the year I was released
from the shackles. Thank you for all your support. I started this blog to
promote my work and record my journey in my new career. Never, ever did I
imagine anyone would read it… LOL… 42,000+ viewings on and we are still here…
together. Blowing a kiss to each one of
Have a simply fabulous, safe News Year's Eve.
See you in 2017
Much love
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