Aint Life Frustratingly Brilliant...

Life can be so frustrating at times. I know I’m on the cusp of breaking through in my new career BUT I’m penniless and broke at Christmas time again! Thankfully I have children who do not put pressure on me for the latest gadgets and designer clothes. In fact, Lucas told me he doesn’t want much for Christmas this year because he realises he has much more than most children will ever get. Bless him. My heart bursts of pride. He has a true socialist heart!

He came out with me last Saturday on the national NHS campaign day. He absolutely loved it. It was a real moment for me… we chatted, laughed and spent some quality time together. He read the NHS leaflet from top to bottom and shook his head disapprovingly when I explained what the Government cuts had done. I love this little man to bits!


You may recall I told you I had submitted the script to the market. I received feedback this week and I could not be happier. It is so hard breaking into a new career especially when you have no one close to bounce ideas or peer review your work. This is an extract of the review:

I can’t put the second part in because it gives the plot away but I can say the constructive criticism has led to the script being edited. It is much stronger with just a few pointers from experts in the industry. I thank them so much for taking the time to read my work.

Now, it is ready to go off again but this time, on the recommendation of the review, I am sticking to my original plan of this being a television script. Wish me luck!

As a result of the positive feedback, I have decided to look into Arts Council funding too. 2017 is proving to be a very exciting year


What have I gotten myself into? Seriously, the workload is WOW! Just WOW! BUT… I do love writing in different formats but wasn’t sure I could still write technical content as well as fiction. After a review this morning, I really need to stop doubting myself. Old habits die hard! That’s what you get from years of people not having faith in you. How wrong they were! I need to stop listening to the doubters who know nothing and start trusting my instincts. Story of my life!

One thing is for sure… this woman is NOT giving up. When you’re desperate for money to live, it clouds your perspective. I need to keep telling myself the pain now will be worth the future. It’s not easy but nothing worth having is easy.  A new career is not built over night – it took twenty years to build my Insurance Broking career. I started my new writing career in 2011. Look how far I have come?

Whatever life throws up, you can overcome it. I know I have 100% backing from my gorgeous boys and Lucas telling me how proud he is of me, spurs me on to fight for my success.

It’s been an amazing week… frustrating but amazing. I now have a grants application, four Masters papers, a script submission and my writing to do within the next eight weeks. You know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way. Well…maybe some money coming in…

It’s the start of advent… we don’t have a mad Christmas. One room is decorated...the others will be done over the next few days... in between everything else that's happening.

We have a chilled, anything goes Christmas Day… we may have a barbecue in the rain or a Masterchef pasta making competition. Who knows? But whatever we do, we’ll have fun.

Much love


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