British values? LOOK TO LIVERPOOL Mr Cameron!

When Cameron spouted on about 'British values' I shouted at the television screen, screaming the Tories wouldn’t know true values if they jumped up and bit them on the backside. When I challenged his supporters on the meaning of British values, no one could give me a definitive explanation. I gave them an answer – "Go to Liverpool and meet the people." They didn't like it one bit. I was called 'an idiot', 'ill informed', 'typical red' and even 'a defender of murderers'. YEP, it is true! I bring my children up on the 'Liverpool values' – family; truth; honesty; integrity and fight for justice. I teach mine the importance of questioning pieces of writing – the motive of the author, the purpose of the article and to question, with respect, authority if they feel something is wrong. I even teach them 'respect' is NOT an automatic entitlement and has to be earned, regardless of who you are. Up to this wee...