Never, ever underestimate the power of positive words
Sometimes it only takes one positive word of
encouragement to provoke a light bulb moment; a moment of total inspiration.
Yesterday, I accompanied Wes, at his request,
to his applicant's day at Leeds Beckett University. I love the university – its
buildings, its atmosphere, its history and it was my road to freedom after
Meniere's robbed me of my career. The course tutor reminded me of the reasons
why I am writing now. It was such a tonic and all I needed to spur me on to
keep going. Never, ever underestimate the power of your words!
Wes is so ready for university and the course
is perfect for him, combining sport with social justice, history and politics.
I'm jealous – it sounds fascinating. I am incredibly proud of the gentleman he
has turned into and my children will be my greatest legacy. He just has his 'A'
levels to pass now – 'just' as if it is a simple task! I have total faith he
will do well…I can't think where he gets his motivation from.
Any of my UK followers willing for the 24th
June? I AM. The EU referendum is utterly and totally doing my head in. I am so
ashamed of the rubbish being spouted especially when it comes to race. The elitist
and supreme attitude of some is astounding. It's laughable Obama is being
slated for having an opinion. He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t. All
I would say is if he had backed Brexit, I'm damn sure the 'IN' campaign would
not have stooped so low as to question his heritage and bring race into the
argument. It is absolute arrogance to think, if we leave the EU, all other
countries will drop all their current plans and schedules, to sort out urgent
deals with the UK. Why would anyone assume, if we decide to isolate ourselves, other
countries will bend over backwards to re-negotiate with us. As with everything
with the EU referendum, Obama's stance has been blown totally out of proportion
by the very media who would benefit from an EU exit.
What worries me more, is the blatant, open
racism being spouted by Johnson, also by Cameron in relation to the Mayoral
elections. To stoop that low only suggests they are very, desperate, despicable
men – and I use the term 'men' loosely. The dark, dark ages of inequality
scares me enormously.
Right, work wise, I've been busy…

The Nanny
This is my next major project and then after
that, Twin Lies – but that's for another day. The Nanny is progressing well.
The plan is complete and I am currently researching the Troubles in Northern
Ireland – this forms the back drop to this thriller. I'm having great fun
formulating all the main characters and their mannerisms.
Beyond the Past
Have you had the chance to read it yet?
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Read the first three chapters FREE on my website
Available from:
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The ISBN number is : 978-1-84386-789-0
I'm still waiting to hear about my PhD.
Patience is a virtue or so they say! I have a few alternative plans to explore
but I WILL be back at Uni soon. My determination has not let me down so far.
Right, I'm off. It's Sunday afternoon, which
means uniforms need ironing. There is absolutely no chance of me not having my
feet on the ground.
Have a fabulous week. Stay safe but be brave.
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