
Showing posts from 2018

My PhD motivation...

Hello all, Meniere's Disease I have not blogged in a while. Been busy trying to resolve additional health issues  which has now been diagnosed as acute Migraine in addition to the Meniere's disease. I have finally got to grips with new medication and ready to fight again. It is frustrating to be stopped in your tracks by such an unpredictable monster but you have to roll with it.  PhD Study I am really excited to start my PhD in Computer Science. It has been a labour of love for so long. I graduated from my MSc in Information and Technology last year. This has been a long term goal of mine.  I have always had a keen interest in politics, social justice and equality. I believe education is a basic human right and should be provided by the state, free at the point of use, for individual and societal development and growth, not just economic growth. It certainly should not be subject or held hostage by GDP growth. Sadly, the pursuit o...


I would employ anyone who has the strength to survive the daily challenges of a disability or illness! A confession: I'm a bit of a bugger for hiding how I feel and hiding the Meniere's disease. I do really try not to hide it, but it is hard to break a habit of a lifetime. I think it comes from living with years of ridicule and being around people who jump on your every weakness, failure and mistakes using them as sticks to beat you with. It's given me second thoughts about sharing the illness and its effects. However, it adds more stress by trying to hide it. Plus, why should I? It is part of me, not by choice but it is here, ever present and becoming more of a menace every single day. As well as personal insecurities, the hostile environment towards people with disabilities and invisible illnesses, created by this inhumane Tory Government, makes it almost a taboo subject again. We have travelled back to the dark ages where anyone who is not "normal"...

Computing in schools… a national crisis in waiting.

I’m just a working-class lass from East Leeds. I’ve had the same tough life as most of the people in my area. It is always easier to conform to what society expects – steady job, marriage, children, mortgage… I am such a disappointment to many – lost my job through illness (because it’s my fault, right?), divorced, single mother and how dare I leave my class behind to become an author and PhD student… yes this was said to me! I’ve been called a traitor to my class. It’s all so laughable when people realise why I am so passionate about this research and especially when they understand the heart of everything I do is my belief in socialism and equality, using my skills and philosophies to bring hope and opportunities for our future generations. It is not just politicians who make a difference. I don’t want a life in front line politics. I’m far too sensitive, far too caring and can not abide having to lower my principles to appease a political party. I know my future life is in ...

Fixing Democracy

Have you seen the film 51 st State? It's very sweary and not for the faint hearted but there is a clip in it… if you've seen it, you will probably know what I'm about to say. Robert Carlyle instructs Paul Barber to "take care of him", him being the chemist Lawrence. Barber interprets this as kill Lawrence as in "take care of him" but Carlyle really means for him to be looked after and kept safe. Well, "fixing democracy" is a bit like "take care of him". I mean… fixing as in making it work for all of us so we are all engaged and invested in it, not fixing where Governments, foreign states, social media analytics and the mainstream media manipulate the vote and stifle democracy. Let's be honest… that is exactly where we are today. Our democracy… what democracy? It is beyond broken. No band aids, quick fixes, it requires life threatening surgery to restart the country's heart.   A re-ignition of engagement. We saw the ...

Hostile Environments… not by Error or Accident

This is 100% political and personal – I make no apologies for exercising my democratic right to have my say… Do NOT dare tell me this is British patriotism and tell me I should be proud of waving a flag. I am utterly ashamed and distraught. Inhumanity, racism, bigotry and intolerance are the most anti-British acts possible…well… that and not paying your taxes, choosing instead to stash money in offshore accounts!! Windrush is the tip of the iceberg… this is not isolated, nor an error or accident. This is part of a cynical, ideologically driven right-wing Tory project creating divisions and hostility towards selected sectors of our communities.  IT WAS NEVER IN A MANIFESTO TO TRY AND DEPORT BRITISH CITIZENS, WAS IT??? Let’s be totally honest as a nation… all this started back in 1979 with an attack on our communities and trade unions. We have not “accidentally” or “incompetently” ended up in the situation we are in. The divisions in our communities and our society ...