Hostile Environments… not by Error or Accident
This is 100% political and personal – I make no apologies for exercising
my democratic right to have my say…
Do NOT dare tell me this is British patriotism and tell me I should be
proud of waving a flag. I am utterly ashamed and distraught. Inhumanity,
racism, bigotry and intolerance are the most anti-British acts possible…well…
that and not paying your taxes, choosing instead to stash money in offshore
Windrush is the tip of the iceberg… this is not isolated, nor an error
or accident. This is part of a cynical, ideologically driven right-wing Tory
project creating divisions and hostility towards selected sectors of our
Let’s be totally honest as a nation… all this started back in 1979 with
an attack on our communities and trade unions. We have not “accidentally” or
“incompetently” ended up in the situation we are in. The divisions in our
communities and our society have been systematically and cynically created by
successive governments since Thatcher. When she killed northern communities,
she had no intention of rebuilding the areas. She knew by decimating the labour
heartlands and crushing the ties between Labour, the trade unions and local
citizens, she could pave the way to the transfer of power to the elite and
corporations, creating a faux democracy based on the US republic.
Since these attacks left a weak opposition and no real accountability, the
Tories have built their strategies based on divide and rule, blaming the
unemployed, the disabled, the immigrants for all the failings of their past
policies AND people were sucked into it. The banking crisis gave the Tories the
perfect back drop for their ideologically driven shrinking of the state, duping
and guilt tripping people into believing that the government had no money even
though the very people they were duping are the key contributors to the public
purse. Until 2015, we did not have an effective opposition holding the
Government to account.
It is not anti-British to
oppose Government
hold OUR elected
members to account
fight for justice and
basic human rights for EVERYONE
promote education,
jobs and homes for EVERYONE
It IS anti-British… for a Government to pull the rug from
under its own citizens’ lives to follow ideologically driven right-wing
policies. ITS OWN CITIZENS!! People who have paid taxes, who ARE BRITISH!!!
Disabled (PIP, universal credit) young people (loss of housing benefit),
students (loans, interest charges, academies), single parents, rape victims
(appalling rape clause), pensioners (Social care costs), domestic abuse victims
(universal credit). The list goes on and on. Even more cynical is their act now
and deal with appeals later. They have no interest or care for individual
lives, whether policies ruin or kill. The policy is like this:
1. Take away rights of
appeal or justice. Implement additional policies to further disenfranchise
people – require voter ID knowing a large proportion of the population in the
trial areas won’t have ID!!
2. Orchestrate a very
public condemnation and vicious attack, which will leave those targeted feeling
guilty and ashamed. Sadly, there are people in our society that are happy to
attack people due to ignorant prejudices.
3. take away any State
assistance and hope we are NOT challenged
4. Claim we have
succeeded in making peoples’ lives better by forcing them into personal debt,
homelessness or premature death!
5. On appeal… we will
just apologise, blame the civil servants or the lack of opposition and get on
with the same policy until the next appeal.
However uncomfortable the conversation, we must have that conversation.
We must ensure food banks, rape clauses, “grave and systematic violations of
human rights” (United Nations Committee of Rights of Disabilities (UNCRPD)) are
not allowed to go unchallenged. If that makes me an enemy of the state… then so
be it. I would rather be hated by the State than allow decent people to suffer
because of the warped perception of an elite, supreme race.
How much money has been wasted putting right the wrongs of this
When we look back on the period of our social history from 1979 to now,
we will see the social injustices, the ridiculous and outrageous misuse of
public money.
Please ask why we are allowing the misappropriation of public funds for
a universal credit system that has cost more to implement than it has saved and
has brought poverty to countless people; how much has the Government paid out
in legal costs fighting the cases of injustices of their policies against the
very citizens the Government is there to serve? Funny how its public money yet
the true cost is kept secret. So much for transparency.
Brexit and taking back control is nothing more than an elite power grab
with minimal protection for us citizens. How can a Government be allowed to
waste public funds and damage our economy? Since when did it become unpatriotic
to stand up for jobs and workers’ rights? More worrying now, though, is you can
blatantly see where the Government are going with EU citizens’ rights even
those children who were born here. It’s repulsive, along with this Government’s
hypocrisy of bombing Syria but refusing to let refugees in. No compassion, no
And the biggest con of all – bailing out failed academies; Carillion,
Capita, railway networks?? This magic money tree is growing bigger every
day!! All this wasted money… could be funding our infrastructure,
schools, NHS, social care.
PLEASE, PLEASE start asking questions. There are SO many questions and
challenges we MUST make.
What can YOU do?
It is much easier to do
nothing… go with the flow BUT that is exactly what these politicians hope
- Casting your vote is not enough… it is a start but not enough. It is time for change. It is time each one of us exercised our democratic right, our patriotic right. It is NOT unpatriotic to disagree with a Government, to stand up for other human beings. That may be the Tory way, but it IS NOT the British way. It is not political correctness… it is basic humanity.
- Hold them to account - Question them; Keep them to their promises
- Take an active role in ensuring key principles are met and hopefully exceeded
- Do NOT take anything, especially your basic human rights, for granted.
- We need to stop secrecy and have an open Government – Cameron campaigned on that yet this Government is the most secretive ever known!
- Fight for the right for our children to be educated not just in tolerance and humanity but in understanding how they can play an active role in the way the country is governed.
- Take a moment... to think how much your life would be affected if your income was taken away, if you was detained as a criminal for doing nothing other than living in your own country. Think how you would feel if you suddenly became the target of a hate campaign because of something you have no control over - a disability; colour of your skin; a certain accent or religious belief. Think of how it will affect your family members... once you can understand... you can empathise and see the injustices.
The more we exercise our democratic right and what I see as our civic
duty, the less likely they are to get away with the secrecy, duplicity,
hypocrisy and inhumanity.
That is why I will be voting for Labour under Jeremy Corbyn. He is not
the Messiah, he is not perfect – none of us are… but he will pave the way for a future
Britain that will restore my faith and pride. More importantly, it will be a
country that leads the way in Education, healthcare, manufacturing and industry
and human rights, restoring the very fabric of our communities and society.
Don’t be fooled into thinking, business do not like Labour – good, ethical
businesses rely on educated workforces, good infrastructure, workforce/ trade
union cooperation and public services to keep their costs down. It’s the
unpatriotic and greedy that don’t!!
Immigrants, different races, gender, disabled, students, pensioners, trade
unions, opposition party members are not our enemies - our true enemies are the
abusers of power. Let us redress the balance and start valuing and treating
every single human being equally with respect and dignity and display our true
British values.
Be the change you want to see!! I am tired of listening to lies...
Much love
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