Books, blogs and Life....

When your patience runs out…

I had to make the decision to publish text messages at the weekend from the #twittertroll.I really hated doing it but sometimes you have to fight even if you don’t want to as my wise son pointed out to me. I can’t do with mind games, my ex-husband played them and they are more dangerous than physical violence. Now, I understand where all this stems from my son being awarded a sports scholarship which is ridiculous as he has EARNED it. This is the very last time this will be mentioned as I have no time for lies and petty high school behaviour.   

This article is a brilliant article which explains a lot about how scholarships are awarded.
I have realised that you cannot reason with jealousy, hatred and stupidity so I am not even going to try. There are dishonest people in this world and the truth has a funny way of working to the surface of all the grime. Forcing the issue, however unpleasant it seems now, means it has come to a head and I can get peace and quiet.  I have assurances now all the lies, nasty comments and pathetic behaviour will stop which is a result as far as I am concerned and that assurance is way better than an apology.

My account is public so that my followers can join me on my fantastic new journey and I hope everyone can see what I am all about.

All I want to do is earn a decent living, bring my boys up the right way and enjoy my new career. I don't think that is too much to ask for. 

I can’t do with mind games, my ex-husband played them and they are more dangerous than physical violence. I only highlight it to show others that it does go on and that, by talking about it you can stop it or get help to stop it.  It's been a horrible time and I hope now it is over. 

I accept but don't understand how adults can be jealous of a child following his dreams.
This article is a brilliant article which explains a lot about how scholarships are awarded.

Hands up all those people who knew exactly what they wanted at the age of sixteen and actually went out to get it for themselves? I am incredibly proud that my son has a very clear path, of his own choosing and know how he is going to do to achieve HIS goals. What more can a Mum want or need? All this negativity just drives him on to be better and I love that determination. I don’t know who he gets it from (brushing my shoulder proudly!).  IT IS VERY SIMPLE – work hard and have the right attitude including humility. My son has these in abundance. END OF.  

Quote of the week came during Prime Minister’s Question Time on Wednesday. The speaker of the house, John Berkow called sneering MPs a bunch of ‘juveniles’ which would be funny but for the fact that it’s an insult to juveniles and these people are actually running our country!

I think you all know by now how deep my love and support is for Liverpool Football Club and the Justice for the 96 campaign. Listening to the pen portraits this week was harrowing for me so goodness knows how the families got through them. I am in awe of their strength and dignity and I know they will keep strong and keep fighting.

For thirty years (and the rest…!) I have been a Ferrari fan. Like all the Tifosi I was devastated to hear of Michael Schumacher’s accident. We were lucky enough to be at the French Grand Prix in 2002 when he won the F1 title for the record breaking fifth time. It was great to hear some positive news and I hope and prayer he pulls through.

Talking of praying, I attended the Easter service at our local church with my youngest son’s school. I am not a religious person but do believe in Christian values. The service was really lovely with all the children actively participating. The Vicar asked the children to think of how the Easter story would relate to their own lives. That got me thinking. No matter how low things go, you do have the power to pick yourself back up and rise again!! 

Paul’s fundraising efforts 

We have a new blog for Paul’s fundraising efforts and all events will be posted to it as and when they are organised. Watch out for a blog over the next day or two that will explain who is helping Paul in his commendable year. The blog address is

Even the smallest amount can make a difference.

Beyond the Past

The sequel to Beyond the Past, Beyond the Lies is coming along nicely now. This week I will be doing some research around the plot and will keep posting on my twitter page. I have another new book idea that will keep DCI Fisher and DS Davies very busy in Wetherby. I know some of you that have read Beyond the Past would like to see them continue their relationship. Your wish is my command…

If you haven't read it yet, you can read the 1st three chapters of Beyond the Past FREE (Really hard to say for a Yorkshire Lass!) at There is also a list of characters and news of what I have been up to.

Finally, our Easter holidays started Friday last and I for one, could not be happier. I get a break from the school runs and I get to stay in my jamas if I chose to. It’s funny but I get more writing done when the boys are on holiday. My day starts around 5am and I have done six or seven hours before they even emerge. Then I get the rest of the day winding them up! Perfect! This holiday is going to include some revision for my eldest, some trips to local Leeds venues and culminates in a trip to Liverpool for the Hillsborough memorial football match. Can't wait!

Creating an atmosphere that’s calm, happy & free from pressure…

After Easter, we have a plan for May and June, during the dreaded exam time. The plan is simple - hearty, healthy breakfasts, calm, quiet atmosphere and lots of rest. Oh and the not so secret ingredient, NO PRESSURE! I tell mine you can only do your best and you don’t lose your life if you don’t get the grades you want. You just keep trying. Too much pressure is put on this period of time on top of raging hormones and changing bodies. Staying calm and having no pressure will win results. It was lovely to hear my teenage son thank me for NOT putting any pressure on him yet he is consistently hitting and exceeding his targets. It's nice to know your plans work and are appreciated.

2014 always promised to be our year. New inquests for the families of Hillsborough,new career as a writer, both boys thriving,healthy and doing well at school and sport, and Liverpool right up there where they should be. If Carlsberg made years...... 

Liverpool still top of the Premier League and playing good, old fashioned flowing football.

Let me know your views and experiences of scholarships, exams and whatever you like….
You can keep in touch here or via

I hope you all have a lovely productive week and make the best of what you have and go out and get what you deserve.


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