Are we programmed to fail?

Let's get the negativity out of the way 1st - England are out of the world cup. It's not the end of the world especially to all the people around the world suffering in silence at the moment. The one thing I love about the World Cup is the weird and wonderful stories that appear - the seizure of Uruguay's caramel spread, the family with six fingers and toes keeping them all crossed for Brazil. Whether they are true or not remains to be seen but you do have to laugh at them. For me the best part of Brazil holding the World Cup is the highlighting of the plight of young people in Brazil. That may sound strange but had Brazil not being hosting the World Cup, the world would have remained ignorant to the plight of the young. It makes SoccerAid and the work of Unicef even more important. Never, ever underestimate the power of sport and if you are in a position to be able to make that difference then you should. Today I have been involved in a debate about players having the ...