We're moving on UP....at last!!
Rugby League & Scholarship
Lots of you have been asking whether my son is playing amateur
rugby league again and the answer is YES thanks to the RFL, Yorkshire Juniors
and his new club. He had his first game yesterday which was cut short by the
opposition coach losing his head. Again highlighting junior rugby is nothing to
do with kids really!! Self-control, that’s all it takes and I really don’t
understand why adults can’t just behave themselves but then again I have learnt
a lot in the last six months about people behaving badly. All I can hope is
that they all take a long, hard look at themselves and grow up. This kind of
behaviour will only stop if sanctions are harsh and if adults teach their
children NOT to behave like this. Lead by example people!!!!
On Thursday we travelled over to Widnes with the Scholarship
and it was a great day out. It is very bizarre being a parent of a scholarship
player. Ever since he could kick a ball, my son has been involved in junior
football and rugby and has relied on me to take him to the venues, get him
ready and be there to bring him home after a successful day of sport. I
realised on Thursday he is not a boy any more but a young man. I dropped him
off at the coach collection point and set off across the Pennines with his
younger brother. That was it. The next time I saw him he was coming out of the
tunnel in his Sheffield Eagles kit looking very much the part and looking for
us in the crowd. I could have burst with pride but there was a small tinge of selfish
sadness too that he didn’t need me anymore. It’s totally untrue of course
because without us Mums they would forget their gum shields, boots or even
undies!! You laugh but it is true! And us Mums wouldn’t want it any other way!
It was really ironic that he stepped out at Widnes twenty
nine years after I saw my very first live rugby league match at the very same
site, albeit the old stadium. Kurt Sorenson and Joe Grima were the reason I
fell in love with rugby league. Us parents are very much spectators now and I
could not be any prouder but I do admit I wouldn’t dare shout anything that
would embarrass him so I sit there mumbling to myself which is very strange when little legs isn't with me.I have also changed Keith Senior’s song to ‘ We love
you Wesley, ‘cos of your Afro hair’…. Let’s hope he doesn’t read this!! I did get his permission to use the photograph first though.
Whilst they didn’t win the game, they gave a very good
account of themselves but I think I can safely say the bus journey home sounded
the best part of the trip!!! I am so thankful he has had this opportunity to
grow and experience the camaraderie and professionalism of the club.
My younger son and I had a great journey home too especially
watching the little deer run over the road in front of us when we were parked
outside the drop off point. Our next away games are Cumbria and Gloucestershire
– I do love a road trip!!
Writing, Publishing & Marketing
I think I’ve mentioned before how solitude is a writer’s
curse which extends beyond publication. When publication date arrives, it is
super exciting but then you go into months of silence and not knowing what the
wide world thinks of your writing. You grab onto any little sign that you are
doing well but really don’t, truly know and it is much, much harder when it is
your first novel. You have absolutely nothing to gauge whether you should stop
writing now and get a proper job. However, my heart is in writing and whilst I
am very close to broke ( I mean very, very close) I am not giving up on the
dream I had when I was fifteen and was ridiculed into not following it.

I do have to remind myself of the reasons why I wrote Beyond
the Past in the first place
- It was a childhood dream to be a writer
- My children are growing up fast and I needed a career I could combine with motherhood and the dreaded Menieres Syndrome
- I wanted to leave a legacy that my children could proudly tell their children of (assuming they go onto to be parents of course!)
If I keep these in mind, the insecurities subside and the
writing flows.
I have been promoting the book through social media and you
really have to throw caution to the wind. Being reserved and humble, whilst
very noble, will not sell books. I have learnt you need to put yourself and the
book out there and tell the world and that is so much easier now with the
social media platforms we have. Twitter following on both the book
(@BeyondthePast1) and my account (@CharlespR2D2) have grown steadily over the
past five months and I love the interaction with everyone. The biggest surprise
has been google plus with over 28,000 views in less than three months – in fact
last month we had 1,000 viewings alone. We all may knock the trolls but getting
the word to the world has become much easier and if I’m honest, much more fun.
You can read the first three chapters of the book FREE (still hard to say as a Yorkshire lass!) online at www.pamcharles.com.
Now I have second wind, I have surpassed 100,000 words of
the sequel. I have also finished reading Beyond the Past again to check the
plots and twist and turns. You’ll have to forgive the fact I forgot some of the
things included but three years have passed since I wrote it (that’s my excuse
or it could be old age setting in!!). I am often asked how I write. I sit with
a notepad and pen and scribble away and I am in good company as I learnt this
week Jackie Collins uses the same method. Let’s hope I have a fraction of her
For most people school holidays mean childcare headaches and
taking annual leave. For me the school holidays are the best. I can get up (or
not even go to bed) and write whilst the boys sleep. Then, when they want lazy
days in the house, I write. It really does fit in well and makes for a much
happier me and much happier boys. I also get the opportunity to be at home to
teach them the important life skills especially how to treat people. We have
such great discussions about controversial subjects such as racism, sexism,
bullying and politics. Don’t worry they both (yes even the seven year old) can
give as good as they get and understand more than most adults. I remember when
he was five he was playing outside at the rugby club and came in and asked me
what ‘rape’ meant. I nearly choked. Apparently one of the girls shouted it when
her brother was beating her up! Charming! It’s that ignorance that this world
has to fight against and I am more than happy to discuss any subject, however
uncomfortable, with them. Unfortunately you can't protect their innocence from the evil of today's world.
The way I see it, if I can make a difference with my
two and all us Mums do the same, the world will be a much better, well-informed
place. Ever the optimist!!
World Cup Fever
After the excitement of the English premiership and my
beloved Liverpool coming so close to picking up the premiership title, World
Cup fever is starting to build in our house. We have yet to get the bunting and
flags but we have the Panini sticker book and we have the wall planner. My
seven year old reckons England v Belgium in the final! There you go, you heard
it here first. It would be great if England can win especially with Stevie G as
Captain. I have goose bumps just thinking about it!! We shall see…
Saturday night the three of us watched the Froch v Groves
fight. We were in the Froch camp. The main reason I was in that camp was the comments
made by Groves about sports psychology. He ridiculed it as if it was a weakness
and it is that ignorance I can’t abide. For me, the best man won on the night.
It was my birthday yesterday and that is why this is late… I
have to say a huge thank you to my sister, Lisa who got me a book about Nelson
Mandela – I will be reading with a great deal of interest.
Stephen’s Story
We said goodbye to an extraordinary human being this week.
He wasn’t famous, a celebrity or anyone the majority of us have met. For me
Stephen’s legacy is not the £4million he has raised for the teenage cancer
trust( which is truly inspirational and phenomenal) but the fact that he has
taught all of us how important it is to make the most of every minute we have.
All of us, including me, take life for granted. STOP NOW! GO GET whatever it is
you want to do. Don’t wait for the right time as it may never happen.
I am off now to write Beyond the Lies. I have given myself a
deadline that the first draft will be completed by the 30th June –
boy I don’t know why I do it to myself but there is no greater challenge than a
tight deadline!
I want to wish every single one of you a very safe and
productive week. Go do something amazing and have fun doing it. We can all make
a difference…
You can purchase the book from
Pegasus Publishers
Amazon UK
Amazon US
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