Are we programmed to fail?
Let's get the negativity out of the way 1st - England are out of the world cup. It's not the end of the world especially to all the people around the world suffering in silence at the moment.
The one thing I love about the World Cup is the weird and wonderful stories that appear - the seizure of Uruguay's caramel spread, the family with six fingers and toes keeping them all crossed for Brazil. Whether they are true or not remains to be seen but you do have to laugh at them. For me the best part of Brazil holding the World Cup is the highlighting of the plight of young people in Brazil. That may sound strange but had Brazil not being hosting the World Cup, the world would have remained ignorant to the plight of the young. It makes SoccerAid and the work of Unicef even more important. Never, ever underestimate the power of sport and if you are in a position to be able to make that difference then you should.
Today I have been involved in a debate about players having the desire to put an England shirt on. My stance is very clear - Why would anyone want to play for England just to get abuse from the fans if results don't go our way. Pride in the shirt win, lose or draw has to work throughout the country not just on the shoulders of those selected to play. Players need to play with confidence and confidence comes with knowing you have the support of your whole country. The England players were severely (yes severely) abused by the media and English fans BEFORE they had even boarded the plane let alone kicked a ball. You can read the full banter here. As a Mum of children who aspire to one day play for their country in their chosen fields, I can honestly say I would think twice about encouraging them to wear the red and white unless the country's attitude dramatically changes.
I also think that we are programming our children for failure if reaching a major world tournament provides severe criticism to individuals who are not sat in their armchairs drinking beer, throwing abuse at the television, but getting up in the early hours of the day to train hard and sacrificing and dedicating their life to the sport they love. It is time all these armchair managers and so called overpaid pundits stopped bashing our players and gave them the support. I listen to parents on the touchlines week in, week out shouting abuse and directions to children yet these are the same people that say they are too busy to get involved in sport. Probably the same people that spend most of their time running backwards and forwards to the bar, all in the name of exercise I'm sure.
One final thought - the players are not responsible for the lack of investment in the community game and those major clubs shirking their responsibility to encourage the development of eligible players. After putting these arguments across I was told to get back in the kitchen - I think that is 1 nil to us women, don't you?
Come one everyone start sending positive vibes and comments to our England players and our rising stars.
I have re-written the first five chapters and I am really happy with the outcome. There is real momentum now in the writing and the storyline and I am genuinely excited to sit and write. I just need to learn to sleep when I am tired instead of running through the plot line at four o'clock in the morning. Even with the early starts I think the deadline of the 30th June may have been a little over ambitious but we shall see. 15,000 words were added in less than 24 hours but I don't think my little hands can keep that up everyday.
Wetherby was chosen as the setting of the book for its natural beauty and a place where I spent a lot of time writing Beyond the Past. We are still connected to the sports with Lucas playing football and support as many local events as we can. I have received such a warm reception from the people and local businesses in the town that it seems only right I have a book signing there. Watch this space...
If you can't make the day time event at Wetherby High School I am talking at the Wetherby Library on the 14th October 2014 between 6pm and 7pm. I will, of course remind you all nearer the time.
I am now on the authors database and received this tweet this weekend

That's pretty cool!!
A quick thank you to all my twitter followers on both the book (@BeyondthePast1) and my account (@CharlespR2D2) – pop over and say hello.
You can purchase the book from
Pegasus Publishers
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Let's hope the whole country get behind England tomorrow night. Spread a little love and happiness. Have a great week and enjoy Wimbledon, I know I will be x
The one thing I love about the World Cup is the weird and wonderful stories that appear - the seizure of Uruguay's caramel spread, the family with six fingers and toes keeping them all crossed for Brazil. Whether they are true or not remains to be seen but you do have to laugh at them. For me the best part of Brazil holding the World Cup is the highlighting of the plight of young people in Brazil. That may sound strange but had Brazil not being hosting the World Cup, the world would have remained ignorant to the plight of the young. It makes SoccerAid and the work of Unicef even more important. Never, ever underestimate the power of sport and if you are in a position to be able to make that difference then you should.
Today I have been involved in a debate about players having the desire to put an England shirt on. My stance is very clear - Why would anyone want to play for England just to get abuse from the fans if results don't go our way. Pride in the shirt win, lose or draw has to work throughout the country not just on the shoulders of those selected to play. Players need to play with confidence and confidence comes with knowing you have the support of your whole country. The England players were severely (yes severely) abused by the media and English fans BEFORE they had even boarded the plane let alone kicked a ball. You can read the full banter here. As a Mum of children who aspire to one day play for their country in their chosen fields, I can honestly say I would think twice about encouraging them to wear the red and white unless the country's attitude dramatically changes.
I also think that we are programming our children for failure if reaching a major world tournament provides severe criticism to individuals who are not sat in their armchairs drinking beer, throwing abuse at the television, but getting up in the early hours of the day to train hard and sacrificing and dedicating their life to the sport they love. It is time all these armchair managers and so called overpaid pundits stopped bashing our players and gave them the support. I listen to parents on the touchlines week in, week out shouting abuse and directions to children yet these are the same people that say they are too busy to get involved in sport. Probably the same people that spend most of their time running backwards and forwards to the bar, all in the name of exercise I'm sure.
One final thought - the players are not responsible for the lack of investment in the community game and those major clubs shirking their responsibility to encourage the development of eligible players. After putting these arguments across I was told to get back in the kitchen - I think that is 1 nil to us women, don't you?
Come one everyone start sending positive vibes and comments to our England players and our rising stars.
Drafting & Re-Drafting
This weekend I have spent drafting Beyond the Lies. I had written the first thirteen chapters but some of it just didn't sit right. I have written the full back conspiracy now and it is looking good especially as I have inadvertently put some twists in Beyond the Past that can now come to fruition - I say inadvertently but I'm sure my inner psyche told me to put them there - LOL.
I have re-written the first five chapters and I am really happy with the outcome. There is real momentum now in the writing and the storyline and I am genuinely excited to sit and write. I just need to learn to sleep when I am tired instead of running through the plot line at four o'clock in the morning. Even with the early starts I think the deadline of the 30th June may have been a little over ambitious but we shall see. 15,000 words were added in less than 24 hours but I don't think my little hands can keep that up everyday.
Things Literary
Next Monday 30th June 2014 I will be speaking at the Things Literary Festival at Wetherby High School. My first talk is to Year 8 pupils and later a talk to members of the local community. The event is £5 entrance with light refreshments. Tickets are available from the school office or if you leave a comment, you can pay at the door. The details of the event are available here. I would love to see you there.Book Signings
I am in the process of organising a book signing in late September in Wetherby which I am super excited about. I will of course post details once I they have been finalised.
Author Talks
If you can't make the day time event at Wetherby High School I am talking at the Wetherby Library on the 14th October 2014 between 6pm and 7pm. I will, of course remind you all nearer the time.
Authors Database
I am now on the authors database and received this tweet this weekend

That's pretty cool!!
A quick thank you to all my twitter followers on both the book (@BeyondthePast1) and my account (@CharlespR2D2) – pop over and say hello.
You can purchase the book from
Pegasus Publishers
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Let's hope the whole country get behind England tomorrow night. Spread a little love and happiness. Have a great week and enjoy Wimbledon, I know I will be x
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