I’d rather live in my own little world…

How I chose to live my life

I have been heavily criticised for having an optimistic view on life, particularly about people but I’ve learnt over the years that I won’t have a bad opinion of someone unless they specifically do something awful to me. Don’t get me wrong I am no pushover and when things go wrong you will know about it but I won’t be swayed by other people’s opinions and experiences. In addition I don't want to judge people by their looks, the colour of their skin, their religion or the way they live their lives. Judgment for me is based on how people treat you.

I think I have my life sussed now. My outlook is quite simple – treat people with respect and be fair and honest. If people can’t respect that then get rid of them. Life for me is not about material things and who has more or less than me. It is about experiences and creating experiences. If you can manage to create good experiences that provide fabulous memories and they outweigh the negative experiences, I think you will have life sorted. In addition, it is how you react to those negative experiences. I don’t over analyse the bad things in life but instead, look for the positives that come out of those negatives. You may all think it is ridiculous to look at life this way but what is the alternative? Too many people want to have a negative impact on other people’s lives. If you let the doubters drag you down it is YOUR life that is affected not theirs. So if all else fails, kill them with kindness. You never know you may even turn them into better people, it’s worth a try. It is amazing how social media can be a true reflection of a person’s actual personality without them even realising it. 

I celebrate the fact that I think differently, that I want to see the good in people and I don’t want my opinion to be based on false accusations and idle gossip. Find a way to live YOUR life YOUR way and peacefully.

This philosophy is the base of my whole life from work to family life. My life with the boys is about creating a positive and happy outlook because let’s face it’s tough out there. They know the true realities in life too through our great debates and discussions. I think the balance is right but only time will tell that. You can’t live your children’s lives but you can help them to make the right decisions and become a productive and valuable member of society. Parenting for me is all about support and providing support during their discovery of life. Saturday I drove to Barrow to see Wes play for the Sheffield scholarship. It was a long, tiring day and I am still fighting a foot infection (from swimming! Who said exercise was healthy?) but I would not have missed it for the world. It is great to see teenagers committed to hard work and sport. I am in awe of them all for following their dreams. My role in this is to support Wes’s quest and that’s all. He has grown so much during this whole experience. I am here to offer him advice and practical solutions but it is his motivation and work ethic that will get him the life he wants and deserves. 

The trouble is you will come across people that are insecure in their own lives so will try their best to derail you and put you down. It is in your hands whether you let them do that. My advice is simple - DON'T. We are all beautiful in our own ways, just some people don't see it in themselves yet.

LeTour Yorkshire

This weekend the spotlight has very much been on Yorkshire, unless you are Sky News who don’t believe life exists north of Watford! I am immensely proud of my hometown, Leeds, and Yorkshire. I think we all underestimate and take for granted where we are from. Yorkshire has had fabulous exposure this weekend and we have demonstrated to the world what we all already know – Yorkshire is full of sports mad, fun loving and dedicated people who love their county!! What a show we have put on. 

Congratulations to Gary Verity and Welcome to Yorkshire staff and LeTourYorkshire. It has been a great success but us Yorkshire folk always knew it would be. Now, can you please get the World Rally Championship GB rally back to Yorkshire please for all us petrol heads? Maybe a couple of days off first.


It was so easy to write about Yorkshire places in Beyond the Past and Yorkshire will always be part of my writing. 

I hope the author talk I gave to 125 Year eight children at Wetherby High School inspired at least one young person to follow their dreams. After the questions they asked, they gave me new impetus to writing and reminded me of why I changed my career and followed this new path. Inspiring others can certainly help keep your own inspiration alive. 
This week is a significant week in our house. I have lots of work to do to finish Beyond the Lies but I am very excited to write it. I am not far off completing the first draft, FINALLY! Once completed, the editing will begin and that is the fun part, NOT! When I say not far off, I am probably talking another three weeks or so but anything worth having is worth waiting for, right?

However, the most significant part of this week is my second road trip, this time to Gloucester on Thursday for the final scholarship game. I have loved watching Wes grow and learn over the past ten months and I am so proud of him. Then we find out what next.  Whatever the future holds, he has demonstrated such maturity and commitment and I want to burst with pride.

Paul’s Fundraising

Congratulations to all those that walked from Dewsbury to Leeds on Saturday for Paul’s charity. Over £700 was raised on the day without sponsorship. That’s truly remarkable, well done all.

You can give on Paul’s Justgiving page for the Sick Childrens Trust and the Rugby League Benevolent Fund at http://www.justgiving.com/teams/givingplentytotwenty You can donate through JustGiving or text SICK66 £1 TO 70070 or text TRYZ77 £1 to 70070 (or more if you would like).

A quick thank you to all my twitter followers on both the book (@BeyondthePast1) and my account (@CharlespR2D2) – pop over and say hello.

Okay, Beyond the Lies needs my attention. Have a great week. This time next week I hope we can all look back and see what a fabulous week it had been. Make it count.

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  1. Love your work.
    twitter- @_iamchianne_

    1. Thank you :) It means alot that you have taken the time to reply


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