What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger…
It’s been another exciting week in our crazy world but I
have a feeling the best is yet to come.

All this contributed to a prolonged episode of Menieres, the longest I have ever had to endure and trying to go about normal business like school runs, school activities and promote the book was very difficult at times. It was the darkest hell that anyone could experience. You do start to think you have done something to deserve the backlash. However, it is only recently when I went through the evidence with a third party that a pattern formed of ‘nice, friendly’ emails, followed by vile messages online. It is then I realised the enormity of what I had been through. When it all happened, my first reaction was to become a recluse, more out of self-preservation but as my very wise son pointed out, they would have won and that was, I believe, their ulterior motive. Instead we stood firmly together and whilst it still resulted in Wes being bullied out of Wetherby (just FOUR days before the start of his GCSEs), it proved to us how strong we actually were. The lowest point for me was not them discussing online whether I'd told DVLA about my illness but when they contacted the Sheffield Eagles scholarship, not once but twice in an attempt to blacken Wes's name but we'd already taken their advice.
It takes a lot to get over what we went through believing people
were friends when really they weren’t but we are much stronger because of it,
or is it in spite of it? DON’T let bullies ruin your life! Talk to someone, get
(For free advice you can go to @StopWebBullying (twitter), @bullyinguk (twitter) or their website - http://www.bullying.co.uk/. The local police station also have free advice.)
I am very proud of who I am and how we are as a family. I am
more confident than ever to move forward. It’s amazing what you can learn from
adversity. Setting aside the problems forced on us, this period has truly been
a life changing six months. In fact, we smile now that the sadness of having to
leave Wetherby has been far outweighed by Wes now playing for a Division Two
side and we have met some lovely, genuine people. He has slotted straight into
the side and it’s lovely to see a beaming smile on his face. It has taken some
time to get used to four trips to Sheffield and driving past Hillsborough but I’m
getting there!
Finally, I actually
feel I have achieved my ultimate career change and I couldn’t be happier – well
I could be I suppose if a certain knight in shining armour rode into my life
offering kindness, peace and a whole lot of loving. Maybe, maybe not but either
way it won’t stop me in my quest to write.

Embedded in that is my eternal support for the #JFT96, whom I have dedicated this work to. I have also dedicated to anyone who dares to have a go at anything just like I have. You can do anything if you have will power, determination and a great work ethic.
Book Signing
How ironic that on Wednesday I am hopefully meeting to
discuss a book signing in Wetherby, the town is the base for DCI Fisher and DS
Davies in the book. I am really excited about this event, mainly due to its
venue. All will be revealed next week…
Wetherby High School – Things Literary!
As most of you probably know, I spoke to 125 Year 8 pupils
and staff at Wetherby High School about life as an author and my journey so
far. I am really pleased with the feedback to my first ever talk.
Unfortunately there was a technical issue with the
photographs, probably just as well if I was in them!
Although nerve-racking at the time, I look back with pride
and relief that it went so well.
On the 14th October 2014 I will be talking again in Wetherby at the library between 6pm and 7pm. I’d love to see lots of you there.
On the 14th October 2014 I will be talking again in Wetherby at the library between 6pm and 7pm. I’d love to see lots of you there.
All this positive feedback and the fact that my Dad loves
the book has given me bouts of goose bumps this week and I am really loving
After the success of Wes securing his Academy place, we have
a break from rugby league for three weeks and I’m missing it already after week
one! Then again I am not the one having my body battered week in, week out.
Mind you, I know Wes relishes it, which is a little concerning really.
School’s out…
Speaking to parents in the playground, it appears I am the
only one genuinely excited to have the boys at home but I am, GENUINELY
excited. School holidays for me consists of 4am or 5am starts and I’ve actually
done a days work before the boys even surface from their pits. We then have the
day together, which has to be the greatest perk of the job. Yes, the job is
lonely at times ; yes, it is hard work for very little immediate reward BUT,
and it is a huge BUT. I get to spend time bringing the boys up, creating
fabulous memories that will stay with us forever. That is PRICELESS.
My favourite tweet this week was:
Have a great week and enjoy every moment you have to
positively influence your children and the people around you. This evening I am going to WetherbyHour to enjoy networking with the finest businessmen and women. I have a feeling it might be hot one!!
You can purchase my debut novel, Beyond the Past from
Pegasus Publishers
Amazon UK
Amazon US
You can purchase my debut novel, Beyond the Past from
Pegasus Publishers
Amazon UK
Amazon US
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