Great Mums make the perfect role models
The greatest VOLUNTARY (in most cases) job in the world. The
most influential job in the world. The most rewarding job in the world!! Never,
ever underestimate what YOU can achieve as a Mum – the ultimate role model!
Happy Mother’s Day to you all, everywhere in the world. Being a Mum (or Mom) is
Junior Sport
Someone said to me this week that a bad volunteer is better
than having no volunteer. Really what planet do we live on? You wouldn’t ask
King Herod to babysit would you????
Is a bad volunteer better than NO volunteer? Where junior sport is concerned NO NO NO! It
is a question of standards and safety and maintaining those high standards. DBS checks (the
replacement for CRB checks) do not assess the suitability of a person to
volunteer around young people. These are some examples of what I have witnessed
over the years of being involved in junior sport:
- Parents assaulting players when the players are children
- Verbal abuse of referees by parents
- A coach being called a paedophile by an opposition player
- Two coaches physically fighting on the pitch.
- Mass brawl including players and parents
- A coach telling under 8s they were a disgrace and he was ashamed of them just because they didn’t win a game.
- Parent threatening to kick an opposition players (a child) head in because he tackled their son
- Coaches teaching under 10s to sledge the opposition.
- Players biting other players
- Police called following a parent attacking a child
- The amount of parents that complain that they are having to suffer standing on the touchlines when they could be doing other things!! Really?? There’s nothing I love more than watching my boys having fun.
These are ACTUAL events I have witnessed over ten years of
being involved in junior sport. The shocking thing is the majority of the
incidents have not actually involved the children playing the sport. The majority
of the incidents have been coaches, touchline managers, club officials all of
which are also PARENTS. How about leading by example?
My son has been racially abused and targeted by teams on so
many occasions. Whilst its heart breaking to go through I have always trusted
the disciplinary processes to deal with the matters. Sadly, for whatever reason
some people are allowed to continue with their abuse without action being taken
against them. I think I have a theory for this. Volunteers are needed for sport
so anything practically goes. THAT IS NOT RIGHT.

It is fabulously rewarding to be a volunteer and the
majority of people who get involved work tirelessly and really do put the
CHILDREN first. However, there is a small minority that spoil junior sport and
prevent children from flourishing in what should be THEIR environment.
As the new rugby league season starts, I ask, NO I beg that people just behave themselves. These two images appeared on Facebook this week and they perfectly sum up how I feel about junior sport.
I also ask junior clubs, the league management and the
governing bodies to remember not everyone is cut out to be a suitable role
model for children OR even work around children. A zero tolerance approach will
push the sport forward and make it available to every child.
If you would like to volunteer, please ask yourself if you
can follow the guidelines set down by the sport, if you have the right attitude
to work with young people, if can you inspire young people to flourish AND more
important of all, can you ensure children HAVE FUN!
We had our launch night for the Academy on Friday and the
presentation reminded me of why I love rugby league and why the rugby league
family is so important to me. The sport has given me so many memorable moments
in my life. Wes begged me to let him play the sport and I did. Look where it
has led to. Sheffield Eagles is a wonderfully, family orientated club with the
right ethos that fits us as a family. The sport isn’t just about what happens
on the pitch, it’s how my young boy becomes a respectful, fully grounded and
considerate human being. That is why I want my boys to be in the sport and why
I have fought tooth and nail to ensure the sport is not blighted by bad
behaviour from adults that should, quite frankly know better. Be the one that your child is proud to have on the touchline. Be the one that sets the example for fair play and sporting behaviour.
I'll put the soap box away now
I'll put the soap box away now

Mid-week, I had a great chat with someone who doesn’t really
know my life story and how I became a writer. It was great because,
without them knowing, they inspired me to keep going just by their own
enthusiasm and encouragement.
It’s tough being a single parent especially when it was not by choice. You constantly question whether you are doing the right thing. Speaking to this person and sitting in the Academy meeting on Friday, gave me such reassurance that I am absolutely doing the right thing. Then, yesterday came the ultimate affirmation. Lucas gave me a cuddle and said thank you. I asked him what the thank you was for and he said it was for being a great Mum, a best friend and someone that listens to him and stands up for him. He said, "you lifted the weight off my shoulders." He always knows how to reduce me to a quivering wreck. He also made me a video clip of his favourite moments together. Truly inspiring. NO MORE DOUBTS.
It’s tough being a single parent especially when it was not by choice. You constantly question whether you are doing the right thing. Speaking to this person and sitting in the Academy meeting on Friday, gave me such reassurance that I am absolutely doing the right thing. Then, yesterday came the ultimate affirmation. Lucas gave me a cuddle and said thank you. I asked him what the thank you was for and he said it was for being a great Mum, a best friend and someone that listens to him and stands up for him. He said, "you lifted the weight off my shoulders." He always knows how to reduce me to a quivering wreck. He also made me a video clip of his favourite moments together. Truly inspiring. NO MORE DOUBTS.

I’ve also found a Masters course at the local university.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Beyond the Past is selling well. You can read the 1st three chapters FREE here. Links to buy the book are:
Pegasus Publishers
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Or you can order from your local bookshop. The ISBN number is : 978-1-84386-789-0
Beyond the Past is selling well. You can read the 1st three chapters FREE here. Links to buy the book are:
Pegasus Publishers
Amazon UK
Amazon US
Or you can order from your local bookshop. The ISBN number is : 978-1-84386-789-0
Lots of work to do this week and a plan for once! Wonder if
the plan will be followed, I doubt it!
Have a great week and enjoy every moment of your life. If
you are lucky enough to be a Mum (Mom), give yourself a huge pat on the back and
have a great day. You are simply the best role models your children could ask
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