May the force... be with us all

Last week was the first week I have not blogged since I started this blog. Every time I sat down to write the blog, something happened and I was called away to do something else. It is frustrating but you know, that’s life. I get to the end of the week and have no idea where my time has gone! Yet, I know exactly where it goes – divided between school runs, making fresh meals, running back and forth to Sheffield, attending rugby league and football matches and somewhere in between working on a PhD proposal and writing books and screenplays. I need to stop beating myself up and accepting I am not super human!!
Two weekends ago, I travelled to Gloucester to watch the Hallam Eagles win by 54 10, playing some outstanding rugby league and scoring some great tries. On the Sunday we
were up early to attend the Knaresborough Celtic football gala with Lucas. I have to say it was probably the best run gala I have ever been to. I know how exhausting they are to organise, but the weather was kind, which is always a bonus in the UK.

If hard work alone paid off, I’d be a blooming millionaire, still there are more important things in life than money.

In between the two matches and travelling, I write and edit. That is how I manage to get my work done and the 5am starts! In fact, the busier I am the more I get done. Do you find that too?


Just after Christmas, I was referred to a Specialist because my symptoms were worsening and the periods of incapacity were getting longer. As usual by the time I got to see the Specialist the symptoms had subsided. I have never met such an arrogant man in all my life and trust me I have met a few over the years! He didn’t listen, he wasn’t remotely interested and decided it was not Menieres and I had migraine!! His diagnosis sent me in a spin (sorry, couldn’t resist it!).

Bearing in mind I lost my job because of Menieres and have spent seven years depriving myself of certain foods and drink, I was totally floored at first then angry. I had thousands of questions but went through a period of thinking I must have imagined all the pain and suffering. Anyway, I went to see my GP and he apologised profusely and referred me to another Specialist. After extensive tests, and not just one quick test like the first Specialist, it has been confirmed that I have bilateral Menieres and after seven years of resisting, I now have medication and am going for tinnitus therapy – the name conjures up all sorts of witty comments! I am so glad of our NHS and the brilliant doctors. There’s always ONE!

Tour De Yorkshire

This weekend the Tour De Yorkshire passed through, right by our house. I was SO excited. For about twenty years the Tour De France has been on my bucket list and I was so excited when we had the Grand Depart last year. The only trouble was I was in Cumbria for the rugby league when it happened. Sod’s bloody law!! Anyway I got to witness the Tour De Yorkshire this weekend and it was fabulous.
Lucas was a little taken aback at the speed of the riders but he was super happy when we managed to get a photograph of Sir Bradley Wiggins – Lucas has kept his sideburns since 2012 in homage of Sir Bradley!


This is such an important development for me and I received great feedback for the first draft proposal. Now I am working on the amendments. The funding, however, could take some time! Story of my life!


I have decided the best time to write for me is at 5am! The first two hours before the chaos of school commences is definitely the most productive. The clear skies and sunshine has been a boost too (although where has it gone?)

I have lots of projects on the go at the moment and in next week’s blog I am going to give you little teasers… I know I’m good that way!

Beyond the Past

Have you had the chance to read it yet? Would you like to review it for me?

Read the first three chapters FREE on my website

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Election 2015

As the UK election is two days away I can’t go without adding my two penneth worth. People constantly chastise me for talking about politics and how I feel about my own country. Why shouldn’t we talk about it? That is so English! Or in my world … ye olde English! I want to debate issues. Too many people sit and moan yet do nothing. For me, not voting is a SIN, a criminal act. As far as I am concerned there is a clear choice – have a government that ensures the few succeed or one that encourages working people from all backgrounds to succeed and support those who are unfortunate enough to have lost their livelihood for whatever reason. I am super proud of our National Health Service and people seem to forget that it is in the forefront of research and development in the world in so many areas of health. 

I know who I am and what I believe in. Sneer, look down on me, call it ‘class envy’ or what you like. I am proud to fight for those less fortunate and still try to better myself. I believe that the problems with ‘benefits’, ‘tax avoidance’, ‘bank bonuses’, ‘look after number one philosophy’ all stem from Thatcher’s idiotic policies of the 1980s. Cameron is just finishing what she started – when few benefit at the cost of the many, it is not a democracy!!! Why should the individual business leaders cream off millions when their staff are interns, working for nothing or on zero hour contracts? You can still succeed with an ethical outlook. So shame on you all! The government is there to protect and serve ALL - it certainly does not feel that way!

It is time we talked about POLITICS – it’s time we teach our children the values of the NHS, education and a society that has the common decency to look after EVERYONE not the privileged few. 

Food banks in a modern society are scandalous especially for WORKING families. It’s real, it’s happening in my beloved country whilst MPs spend obscene amounts of money on CHAMPAGNE. Why is that right? The right wing press are despicable and Sky News has been switched off in our house otherwise I find myself shouting at the television.
Anyway, I’m off my soap box now.

May the 4th saw Lucas start to watch the Complete Saga for the first time. I was so excited as it is my favourite collection of films EVER. When they finally released the story behind Darth Vader, I booked tickets for Wes and I. In great anticipation, we sat there. At the moment which ALL was revealed, Wes was desperate for the toilet – yep, I missed it!!! So glad it came out on DVD.

Well, that’s me and if you are still reading, thank you… you are a superstar. May the force be with you…

Have a great week everyone


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