Lions, tigers and bears …oh my!
Life’s great at the moment, apart from the Menieres blips.
We did it! We survived the
season. Last Saturday was our last away game in Oxford. I love Oxford especially as it is so close to by spiritual home, Silverstone! It’s funny how some places grab your heart and stay there forever. But there’s no place like home! I love being a Yorkshire lass. We have some truly amazing places in Yorkshire.
season. Last Saturday was our last away game in Oxford. I love Oxford especially as it is so close to by spiritual home, Silverstone! It’s funny how some places grab your heart and stay there forever. But there’s no place like home! I love being a Yorkshire lass. We have some truly amazing places in Yorkshire.

Lucas is our Dr Doolittle. He talks to animals, insects and he is our spider saviour. I kid you not. When he was away one weekend, we had a giant spider in the house. Wes, Erin and I gave it a wide berth. Couldn’t bear to even look at thing! Anyway, Lucas came home, walked upstairs, picked the spider up and brought it down in his hands – he freed the spider, not before he chased his big brother with it first. I’ve never seen anything so hilarious in all my life. He is my HERO!
For his birthday treat, we went to Yorkshire Wildlife Park.
It is a truly magical place. The
organisation, through their foundation, rescue animals and give them a home. They
are involved in international breeding programmes for endangered species and
have three new tiger cubs and Amur leopard cubs. Their work is amazing. We had
a brilliant day. Lucas was so excited to see the polar bears and well, the
tigers and lions were…well…chilled.
P. S. LOOK at the smile on the lion's face!
Menieres Madness
Menieres is beyond ridiculous at times. My ears are
becoming a real life barometer. I can tell you in advance when the storms are
coming. I find it so hard and frustrating when my body will not allow me to do
things I want to do. Some days it is so bad I have to write everything down! I
mean everything! I can’t even string a sentence together – I know it is hard to
believe but I swear to you it is true! I have had a couple of days of feeling sorry
for myself which makes me angry with myself for feeling sorry for myself! The
trouble is when I’m not well I start to go over the things I have suffered over
the years and then wind myself up without actually dealing with the issues. So,
in my new found optimism I have decided to hit every demon head on so that I
can accept angels into my life without the heavy baggage of the past. I never
want my children to look back on their childhood and feel unloved and unwanted.
My greatest achievement will be Motherhood and so far so good…even if I do say
so myself!
September approaches
Autumn is by far my favourite season – the colours, the
cold brisk mornings and the optimism of a new season.
I think the mood of hope and optimism in our house comes
from the mood surrounding the labour movement. For the last twenty years or so
I have questioned my allegiance to the Labour party. I have seen them move
towards the right wing and I have found it increasingly difficult to support
their actions. So it is a breath of fresh air to watch the great debate around
Jeremy Corbyn. If I’m honest he is not as left wing as some of my beliefs but
he is definitely my cup of tea. It’s frustrated the hell out of me how so many
people believe everything that is written in the papers or spouted by our
politicians. They only tell us what they think we want to hear. Social media
has played a massive part in getting the message across and I have always said
that if social media had been around in the 1980s, the face of our country would
be totally different now and we would have had truth and justice a lot sooner
for Hillsborough and Orgreave.
It really saddens me how labour have allowed the voting to
become another debacle but I hope the peoples’ voices are heard and there is no
manipulation of the results. HOPE, JUSTICE, INTEGRITY – never thought those
words would be used in the same breath as British politics again.
Writing Projects
Beyond the Past
Have you had the chance to read it yet? Would you like to review it for me?
Read the first three chapters FREE on my website
Available from:
Pegasus Publishers
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Or you can order from your local bookshop. The ISBN number is : 978-1-84386-789-0
Well it’s been sent off! I’m excited, full of hope,
nervous, afraid of rejection – all of these at once! BUT you never know if you
don’t try. The worst case scenario is they say no. I’ve faced plenty of them in
my life so another one isn’t going to break me anymore.
The story is set in Leeds (surprise, surprise!) and tells
the tale of fate bringing people together under extraordinary circumstances:
path can change in the blink of an eye or the detonation of a bomb. Rob Kennedy
should have been planning a wedding not a funeral. Consumed with guilt and
grief, suicide seemed his only escape from his perpetual nightmare until a
single act of kindness by a real life guardian angel, saves him from himself.
Twelve months on, unable to
trace each other, Rob and Kate’s paths are about to cross once more in
extraordinarily circumstances.”
The Nanny
This week I found myself in a bit of a dilemma – three
storylines I have I really, really like and couldn’t decide what to write next.
Short of doing a rock, paper, scissors by myself (!!), I let the stories choose
me. So, my next work is The Nanny. It was the right choice as I am already well
into formulating the characters.
I have so many projects on the go at the moment and if hard
work paid off, I would have enough money for…some new tyres for my car! I will
NOT give up regardless of how many people are waiting on the wings to see my
fall flat on my face!
My other ongoing projects include:
- Editing Beyond the Lies
- Mr Fluffington and His Feathers
- Behind the Painted Smiled
- The tortured soul of an unwanted child.
I am so into all these projects. In between editing I am
frantically writing. Variety is the spice of life! I am not short of work
thankfully and one day I am sure my hard work will be rewarded…sooner rather
than later hopefully.
This weekend is the last bank holiday of the year in the
UK. We live less than a mile away from the Leeds Festival so the roads around
us our gridlocked for a while. I hope the weather is fabulous for the festival
goers and I hope you are enjoy the bank holiday – the next one is Christmas!!!

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