Stronger, wiser, happier…

2016 has been strange, appalling, a political nightmare yet exciting, enthralling and a foundation year for my gorgeous family. I've had a decade or so of coming to terms with Meniere's, handling the day to day symptoms while being undermined by people who I thought loved me as I loved them. All this on top of trying to keep going and forge a new career. I've very much felt like I have been swimming against the tide and getting caught in the rips. It's been a continual fight of who people want me to be and who I am. In 2016, I won the battle. Whilst we lost people dear to us, Wes and I agree, 2016 has not been a bad year for us. Lessons of 2016 1. You can't put a band aid on an open wound and expect it to heal. You must deal with the problem head on. Operation Freedom! 2. Value myself more. I've achieved so much in the last five years. I have raised two amazing human beings; taught myself...