
Showing posts from June, 2016

A PLEA…. From a MUM

I know I state the obvious but it has been a terrible, terrible week. Innocent people have been murdered going about, getting on with their own lives. The truth is – I am heartbroken. Heartbroken for the victims and their families and friends whose lives are changed forever.   I am totally gutted the UK and USA have become countries where division and hatred have flourished to a point extremists can actively promote and exact their hatred on innocent victims.  Human nature means some people, with certain characteristics, will always take things to the extreme – we are fooling ourselves if we think otherwise. However, decent human beings know the boundaries and don’t cross those boundaries – knowing they violate common decency and, in some cases, the law.  I have taught my boys to be honest, tolerant and to fight for social justice and equality. It's been tough because I have swum against the tide of feeling, even within my own circle of friends and...


It's coming up to the fifth anniversary of the day I began to think about writing my first novel, Beyond the Past. On paper, it seems like an incredibly long amount of time. In reality, it feels like only yesterday. So much has happened during this time. I'm not going to lie, it has been a very tumultuous period – more downs than ups, if I'm honest. Has it been worth it?   Too right it has! When I started that first novel, I was not just a complete novice at fiction writing but totally naïve about how people would react to my change in career and how cut throat the book world actually is. I cannot believe how many obstacles I have had to kick and crush to get where I am today. I'm not where I anticipated I would be but I am in a much better place than the day I started. I have an awful lot to be thankful for. I never thought this blog would ever be read let alone be as popular as it has been. I started it to log our new life for our future family generati...

Positively re-focused

Just a quick post today – I don't want people to get the wrong impression that I do this full time. It's amazing when you cut out all the noise and negativity and re-focus, how much work you can get done. Not only that but the new ideas start flowing again. Every cloud has a silver lining – you just have to find it and focus on it. Last night, a very strong new book, or script (not decided yet) idea developed. This thriller is about a respectable businessman who uses the internet to troll and commit a series of crimes. It is in its very, very early stages of development – a side of A4 notes stages. It is so exciting to create new characters, locations and relationships. Website I have neglected my website a little recently, well actually a lot. It's tough keeping up with writing, admin, new ideas, editing, proofreading, marketing and web design. I spent yesterday updating and re-writing the pages. I love coding – I know I'm a geek - there is a great s...