A PLEA…. From a MUM

I know I state the obvious but it has been a terrible, terrible week. Innocent people have been murdered going about, getting on with their own lives. The truth is – I am heartbroken. Heartbroken for the victims and their families and friends whose lives are changed forever. I am totally gutted the UK and USA have become countries where division and hatred have flourished to a point extremists can actively promote and exact their hatred on innocent victims. Human nature means some people, with certain characteristics, will always take things to the extreme – we are fooling ourselves if we think otherwise. However, decent human beings know the boundaries and don’t cross those boundaries – knowing they violate common decency and, in some cases, the law. I have taught my boys to be honest, tolerant and to fight for social justice and equality. It's been tough because I have swum against the tide of feeling, even within my own circle of friends and...