A PLEA…. From a MUM
I know I state the obvious but it has been
a terrible, terrible week. Innocent people have been murdered going about,
getting on with their own lives. The truth is – I am heartbroken. Heartbroken
for the victims and their families and friends whose lives are changed forever. I am totally gutted the UK and USA have
become countries where division and hatred have flourished to a point extremists
can actively promote and exact their hatred on innocent victims.
Human nature means some people, with
certain characteristics, will always take things to the extreme – we are
fooling ourselves if we think otherwise. However, decent human beings know the
boundaries and don’t cross those boundaries – knowing they violate common
decency and, in some cases, the law.
Extremism MUST be met with love, kindness
and reasoned debate. Silence does not work but neither does resorting to their
kind of name calling. All us decent human beings have to now SHOUT louder and
unite to ensure we achieve peace and stability. A world where our children can
go out, have fun, explore and return home safely, fulfilled, excited from experiencing life. I want a world free from extremism and war.
Some will read this and scoff – we can't
achieve it! WE CAN and WE MUST!
I have become increasingly ashamed to be
British. We, as a country, are at a crossroads – please, please let's choose
the right path.
My tribute to a wonderful, inoffensive,
tolerant and courageous Jo Cox will be to continue her fight to bring about a
better world, not just for me or the boys but for all of humanity.
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