Positively re-focused

Just a quick post today – I don't want people to get the wrong impression that I do this full time. It's amazing when you cut out all the noise and negativity and re-focus, how much work you can get done. Not only that but the new ideas start flowing again. Every cloud has a silver lining – you just have to find it and focus on it. Last night, a very strong new book, or script (not decided yet) idea developed. This thriller is about a respectable businessman who uses the internet to troll and commit a series of crimes. It is in its very, very early stages of development – a side of A4 notes stages. It is so exciting to create new characters, locations and relationships.


I have neglected my website a little recently, well actually a lot. It's tough keeping up with writing, admin, new ideas, editing, proofreading, marketing and web design. I spent yesterday updating and re-writing the pages. I love coding – I know I'm a geek - there is a great sense of achievement when the coding works. Obviously the downside is when it does not work! It has to be so precise; only one character out and the whole thing may not work. I suppose it ties in with the whole creativity theme for me. The thrill of starting with a blank page and creating something from just a small seed of an idea. The sense of achievement is immense.

You can view my website here.

The Nanny

As with all my writing so far, the starting point does not always make the finish line. Sometimes, I write what comes into my head, then go
back and shuffle the sections around to increase the intensity or impact. I then have to go back and insert sections to make it all make sense. It works for me. Self- assessment and reflection are vital tools to grow, not just as a writer but as a human being. One of the exciting aspects of writing is, starting with an idea and absolutely having no idea where you will end up – a bit like life really.

I had a wonderful birthday on Wednesday, thoroughly spoilt by my little family. I am so grateful for our time together. Life is way too short to not appreciate what you have. They motivate and encourage me, as I do them. Together, we are moving forward into new exciting chapters of our lives. Are you with us?

Have a great weekend. Next week Wes is back at school – final push on the 'A' level exams.  Lucas has an extra week off. His school saves all their training days for one week – helps with cheaper holidays. Unfortunately, it is only a good thing when your children go to the same school but as I have learned, you can't please everyone. Anyway, Lucas and I have some really lovely mummy/son time next week – in between the Xbox and my writing! Then it will be only 6 weeks to the main summer holidays – where is this year going?


NEVER stop dreaming… NEVER stop learning and most of all…NEVER stop loving.


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