Happy Yorkshire Day

It's Yorkshire Day today. I am very proud to be a Yorkshire lass. It is an amazing place to live and I am thankful of my heritage. It also makes a breath taking backdrop for novels.

I had a breakthrough this week. I really believe the last ten years have been about letting go of the rotten; accepting life's lot and Meniere's and re-focusing my life and energy on new dreams and aspirations. Life is for living and I intend to make every day count. After shaking off everything and everyone who has brought negativity into my life, I did go through a period of 'how will I cope' alone. Sometimes clinging on to things means you suffer more than living alone. In spite of my ears being terrible this week, I have focused on setting new goals. We are surviving, just the three of us and in fact, we love the peace and lots and lots of laughter.

Over the coming months, we will be moving house, Lucas will start his last year at Primary School and Wes starts at University. I have lots of projects on the go with some new exciting plans for our future. To think what we have been through over recent years, we have done pretty well, not only to stay sane but actually to stay positive and know better things are just around the corner.

Unfortunately, I could not secure funding for my PhD in time to start it this September BUT I have accepted an unconditional offer to study a Masters in Information Technology this year. On top of that, a part time job has appeared that is right up my street and will tie in perfectly with my new goals. If I'm successful, it will be the first step towards our better life and one positive step to my ultimate goal in life. 

I will continue to write but, quite simply, it is not paying the bills yet. None of my life has gone to plan but so far, thankfully, the many changes and adaptations have led onto better and bigger things. For that I am truly grateful. If the part time job comes off, it will work harmoniously with the degree and my precious little family. It will also be a major step in my Meniere's recovery, enabling me to be out and about in the 'real' world again. If it doesn’t come off, I still have my degree, my writing and my gorgeous family. I'm sure you can see why I feel so happy at the moment. I have choices, hope and we are in a much stronger position than we think or give ourselves credit for.

This is the first time in the last decade, I feel in control of life and of Meniere's. It has been a very slow, agonising process but I can cope with the symptoms, the pain and the acceptance of my pace of life. More importantly, I can define my future by working around Meniere's and stop it from hindering my progress. This is mainly because I have taken control of what and who can influence my life and ultimately my stress levels.

Let's face it – sometimes, life is a blooming struggle and a right pain in the a***. It can also be… magical, exciting and what you make of it. I choose to dream big and back it up with hard work and persistence. This is my life and MY DREAMS. The next chapter is going to be even more amazing than the last. 

Most of all, I'm going to stop being so hard on myself and allow myself to enjoy the magical moments we are creating. My PhD will still go ahead – so if you know of anyone who would like to sponsor a hardworking Mum, showing her boys hard work pays off, please direct them my way. I will look after them.



On Saturday, I was very brave (fellow Meniere's sufferers will know what I mean). I went out alone. I joined the thousands of people who congregated at the Royal Armouries to hear Jeremy Corbyn speak. I helped out on one of the Momentum stalls and it was great fun. I got the pleasure of speaking to lots of people, young and old. People had travelled miles and miles for the event and I spoke with people who had voted Tory, Lib Dem and for the Greens at the last General Election. I had goosebumps listening to how enthusiastic people were at the prospect of what they saw, as new ideas and policies. It was really heartwarming to see the reception Jeremy received but even more heartwarming to see Jeremy Corbyn take the time to stop and speak with the two policemen on duty. 

Whatever the media, establishment and rebel MPs day, if you can, get to one of his events and listen to his speech. I defy anyone to find a more genuine, honest and determined man. 

Don't believe for one moment these events are full of militants and trouble causers. These events are attended by genuine people who are fed up of working hard and not getting anywhere. I ask you to give him a chance. 

Have a great week - it's the first day of a new month - a perfect time for you to set your new goals. Have fun

Much love



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