Cold & Callous Government ... not British values!!
I have not written a blog for a few weeks. In all honesty,
I have been struggling. When did the UK Establishment become such a callous and
cold beast? I don’t know why I’m surprised at how poorly it has treated people
caught up in the Grenfell fire. Let’s face it, the Establishment has been this
nasty since Thatcher. Neo liberalism and Conservatism has turned the UK into a
callous, uncaring Establishment, totally the opposite of us Brits and how we
react when our communities suffer.
I don’t know how anyone can cause the death of innocent
people and live with the consequences or to continue to lie. Whatever happened
to personal integrity, humanity and doing the right thing? It makes me sick!
But it has been like this since the 1980s. Hillsborough, Orgreave, Shrewsbury, child
sex exploitation, Grenfell and others are all symptoms of a self-serving
elitist bunch of politicians who do not understand what makes their own people
tick. Up until Jeremy Corbyn, there was very little difference. Now we have a
real opportunity to change back to ensuring the Government we select and pay
our taxes to, deliver for us not for themselves.
When I became ill, there was no one there for me. The
doctors took three years to make a diagnosis by which time I had lost my job,
my livelihood, my self-esteem and self-confidence. Whilst I was relieved I had
Meniere’s – at least I had a name for it – I had already lost everything but
couldn’t claim disability due to the unpredictability of the illness. I had
paid into this system for twenty plus years. I had paid all my taxes and extra
on my company car and there was nothing!! The safety net did not exist!! I’d
paid for something that never materialised – why are they allowed to get away
with it? In the private sector, if you fail to provide the service people pay
for, there are laws to protect you!
There have been times over the last few years when I’ve
thought about giving up and wanted to end it all. The nasty bitches spreading
malicious lies, the worry of where the next meal was coming from for the boys
and the constant not knowing if I would wake up feeling ill and must stay in
bed. The overwhelming feeling of uselessness and the guilt for holding the boys
back from having a decent life. In reality, the boys have a great life, I know
they do. We may not go away on holidays but they don’t want that. They love
their home especially us spending time together, shut away from the madness of
the outside world. They remind me of this every day. I love that they are home
birds by choice. It means I am doing something right.
Despite feeling so low, I have never given up - because of

I’ve had a tough journey but I am not complaining. Meniere’s
gave me time with the boys as they were growing up, a new career in writing and
a prospect of a further career in teaching. I am one of the lucky ones but I
never take for granted any one day, knowing it can all come crashing down
again! Until then I am going to confront my fears head on and challenge myself
to strive for a better life. My hard work is starting to pay off… again.
Meniere’s has taught me the key to a happy life is to live
the life you want, with the people who matter and realise you can only
influence the things you have control of - anything or anyone else are
The injustices of the 1980s have haunted me for my whole
life – I know I am right about the corrupt, nasty Thatcher Government. Bit by
bit the truth is coming out, thanks to fabulous, ordinary families refusing to
let the Establishment ride rough shot over them! Anne Williams will always be
my working-class hero. I am sure we will see new campaigners emerging against
this Tory Government too. It is no coincidence that the greatest loss of
innocent lives has occurred when the Tories have been in power!!! No
coincidence at all!
It is time our ruling classes adopted our true British
values displayed by the Hillsborough Justice Campaign, the families and
survivors of Hillsborough, our emergency services, the volunteers that appear
in times of crisis and us, ordinary decent people who want to live a community
who treats every human being with value, equal importance and dignity.
Right, I’m off to do some more studying and count my
Much love
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